[Script] A9 Shoes ($0.01)

Discussion in 'mTurk Scripts & Resources' started by ceedj, Aug 3, 2017.

  1. ceedj

    ceedj Survey Slinger

    I don't tend to do the 0.01s, as the PRE's tend not to be worth it for me. But if you like them, maybe this will help. 1-5 select the RIGHT side, 6-0 select the LEFT. Hitting Enter will submit. You can change them to whatever you want, really. As with all my scripts, do what you like with them, just credit me.

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name A9 Shoes ($0.01)
    // @namespace None
    // @version 1.0.0
    // @description Because I CAN. 1-5 for RIGHT side, 6-0 for LEFT side.
    // @author ceedj
    // @include *.mturkcontent.com/*
    // @include https://s3.amazonaws.com/*
    // @grant GM_log
    // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.0.min.js
    // ==/UserScript==
    var my_var = $('font:contains(LEFT IMAGE PROBLEM)');
    if (my_var.length)
    // Keybinds
    document.onkeydown = function(e) {
    if ((e.keyCode === 54) || (e.keyCode === 102) || (e.altKey && e.keyCode === 102)) { // 6 or Numpad1 or Alt+Numpad6
    if ((e.keyCode === 55) || (e.keyCode === 103) || (e.altKey && e.keyCode === 103)) { // 7 or Numpad1 or Alt+Numpad7
    if ((e.keyCode === 56) || (e.keyCode === 104) || (e.altKey && e.keyCode === 104)) { // 8 or Numpad2 or Alt+Numpad8
    if ((e.keyCode === 57) || (e.keyCode === 105) || (e.altKey && e.keyCode === 105)) { // 9 or Numpad3 or Alt+Numpad9
    if ((e.keyCode === 48) || (e.keyCode === 96) || (e.altKey && e.keyCode === 96)) { // 0 or Numpad0 or Alt+Numpad0
    if ((e.keyCode === 49) || (e.keyCode === 97) || (e.altKey && e.keyCode === 97)) { // 1 or Numpad1 or Alt+Numpad1
    if ((e.keyCode === 50) || (e.keyCode === 98) || (e.altKey && e.keyCode === 98)) { // 2 or Numpad2 or Alt+Numpad2
    if ((e.keyCode === 51) || (e.keyCode === 99) || (e.altKey && e.keyCode === 99)) { // 3 or Numpad3 or Alt+Numpad3
    if ((e.keyCode === 52) || (e.keyCode === 100) || (e.altKey && e.keyCode === 100)) { // 4 or Numpad4 or Alt+Numpad4
    if ((e.keyCode === 53) || (e.keyCode === 101) || (e.altKey && e.keyCode === 101)) { // 5 or Numpad4 or Alt+Numpad5
    if (e.keyCode === 13) { // Enter or NumpadEnter
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