Dear All, Thanks for attempting our HITs. We have received a few emails asking if it is okay for most of the sentences to be scored neutral. Given the content is randomly selected to score on a trait, it is likely that majority sentences will have one score more than the others. To help you answer more effectively, happy to hear any suggestions you may have, e.g. elaborate instructions a little more? Best, Akin Team
TV: I think that I looked at them and returned the hit when they didn't have a qual. Hopefully if someone works on them here they will respond to your question.
I thought the instructions were pretty clear. I was concerned over them seeming mostly neutral because I didn't want you thinking I was just straight lining the answers with out thinking about them. Sometimes I would end up with long streaks and it just felt wrong to have that many in a row be the same thing. I felt like maybe I was missing something. I did 12 from the first batch because I didn't see anything about a limit on that one. Based off the new instructions It looks like y'all would be okay with me doing 10 from this batch too but I haven't because it seems like you guys would prefer to have as many people possible do them so I didn't want to take hits from someone who hadn't done any yet.
Just a suggestion - maybe a comment box at the bottom of each hit wouldn't be a bad idea, that way if anyone is concerned they can put it in there?
Thank you for the suggestion. We may not be able to go through each comment. We have been very active on this forum and happy to use it for suggestions.