Hi everyone!! Ive started back Turking the past couple of weeks and I can net only about $25-$40/week and Im using scripts like PandaCrazy, HitForker, and MTS. I even signed up for TurkView to get my new API key. Im Turking for 5-6 hours per day. I can scrape in a TON of HITS paying $.01-.75 BUT it takes me so looong like 15-20 minutes just to complete one HIT & payment sometimes come in 3-7 days later. Im waiting for a payment of $3.00 to come in from a batch that I did a week ago. I can find quick $.01 hit baches thats a few seconds to do but the low pay and the amount of time it takes me to find and complete it isnt feasable. I learned of AHK (Auto Hot Keys) and other user scripts but Im NOT technical and I dont know how to use it can someone please explain in laymans terms? For those who are more experienced with mturk...... Are there ways to complete HITS faster? If so what??? How do I find quality quick HITS paying .50+ from quality people?? ___________________________________________________ Seeking advice... Feel free to pm me
Hi! Welcome to the group and MTurk in general. Everyone's story is different... For me, I found that for quite a while, until you have a certain number of HITs, you just aren't going to meet the qualifications of most well-paying HITs. It sucks, but the more batches you do, the faster it will come. Don't waste your time doing HITs that pay poorly, it takes time away from potentially doing good hits! I used to just PANDA off HitNotifier a lot. Then I started using overwatch to watch for my favorite requesters, and I'd also use HIT Watcher to log hits. I'd just generally try not to get too many PREs by using too many scripts, and don't PANDA too many HITs at once. Maybe like 4 or 5? If one has been trying to catch a HIT for a while, and it hasn't caught something, just turn it off and try catching something posted more recently. If you keep up with the daily thread here, as it's posted, you'll have a good chance of grabbing things as they're dropping. Also, I personally catch more HITs during 8am-12pm EST. Just a few tidbits, there's plenty more you can learn and do to become a more proficient turker.
Thanks soo much.. I was curious how to i get overwatch? Is it still realevant.. I heard somewhere that it doesnt work...
You can grab most mturk related scripts here: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/by-site/mturk.com My understanding is there are security issues with Overwatch since it is no longer being updated/supported. You'll have to ask somebody else for the full story there though.
Since Overwatch has problems, I'll see if I can setup MTS to watch for my favorite. Right now in screenshot just added CAD and unchecked strict matching box to see if it notifies me. So far MTS showed HITS for CAD (I knew it was available).
I'm pretty new (just topped 3,000 HITs), and I can generally get around $10/hr. Don't rely on surveys; go for batches if possible. There's quite a bit of downtime between surveys which cuts into your income. Meanwhile, an easy large batch can be a huge cash cow. I remember doing over 700 HITs where you described the path that an airplane took. It paid pennies, but could be done in less than 10 seconds and was worth 15+/hr. It's worth it to figure out your special skills and which type of work suits you best. For me, I'm pretty good at reading and comprehending English quickly, and I type quickly. I can make many comprehension and typing hits pay while other people stay away. But then there's other things that I'm terrible at. Such is life.
I got a case of burnout so I went back to selling on Ebay and Amazon. Now I take what money I earn on Mturk and reinvest it. Every side hustle requires a skill set and a willingness to change. (Update - a day later) Got a new qualification using the qualeye (spelling) page- be qualin' and qualin' cause one day someone comes along and releases a good batch.