[Please Help!] Dumping Windows 7 soon, Linux users?

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by ceedj, Mar 28, 2019.

  1. ceedj

    ceedj Survey Slinger

    Hi gang, any Linux users here? I have the questions...

    Need MTS and Panda Crazy to work. Preferably Chrome because it suits my workflow for my other job (need screenshots by device and dev tools). Can use Photoshop on WINE, but might learn Gimp for the heck of it. Everything else is browser based, mostly MS Office Online for compatibility with work requirements (oh the irony!) Need basic audio in and out as well. Best recommendations? I will be switching by the end of the year, will my DB's and script settings all transfer (I assume JSON stuff is platform independent, but you know about assuming...)?

    Finally, not sure which distro to go with. I am plenty handy with a command line though. I have another (larger) machine I will also be converting for A/V editing (Reaper DAW is native, and there are a few good looking NLE's for video), but what I choose here might inform that decision down the road. I can search like anyone else, and have, but I am interested in any personal experiences.

    Thanks bunches!
  2. Randomacts

    Randomacts Survey Slinger

    I think that the scripts and MTS will work in linux without any issues but I haven't actually tried it. @Kadauchi would know prob.
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  3. limcid

    limcid New Turker

    I'm on Linux. I would recommend Linux Mint because it is very much like Windows. I used to be on Windows and didn't have any problems in making the switch. The only issue I had was that I couldn't use my AHK scripting anymore. This isn't the same as the Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey scripts, they all work the same. The inability to create AHK scripts turned out to be a benefit, though, because it forced me to learn how to create javascript scripts.

    I'm very happy with the switch to Linux! It's much stabler than Windows with no sloppy antivirus clogging things up in the background. I haven't tried too many other distributions of Linux but I'm very satisfied with Linux Mint and support that's available. Good Luck and welcome to Linux!
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  4. limcid

    limcid New Turker

    • LOL LOL x 1
  5. ceedj

    ceedj Survey Slinger

    Thanks for that, I'm not completely new to it though. I have worked with Raspberian for my DLNA media setup, and often SSH'd into to reboot it (flakey drives). Had Ubuntu almost 10 years ago, but it wasn't at the daily driver point. In fact, I go even further back to Xenix around 2000-2005, which was setup for a 90's era bowling scoring system by Brunswick. THERE were some "fun" times, but that's the beauty of Unix; most of the commands and syntax are largely the same.

    So far Arch and Cinnamon as my desktop are looking to be a contender; right now I'm saving for a second SSD so I can plug the Windows stuff back in if I need to in an emergency.

    Thanks again for the info, much appreciated! :)
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  6. TheNerdyAnarchist

    TheNerdyAnarchist Survey Slinger

    MTS, Hit Forker, PC, etc. all run without issues for me.

    Ubuntu 18.04.2

    I originally went with Ubuntu Studio. However, that particular flavor has had some issues, and it *might* be in jeopardy in terms of the team being extra short-handed and without upload permissions to the official repositories. My solution was to just get the flavor I liked (Mate) and installed the kxstudio repositories for all the JACK/audio trimmings.
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  7. Nikoratos

    Nikoratos Turker

    I'm using Mint right now out. This is the second time in the last six months I've run it full time from necessity and it's pretty alright. After the initial frustrations of switching over I started to see some of the good points and possible advantages of running Linux regularly. I didn't realize how much of a resource hog you've been dealing with until you go directly to something like Mint on a machine that you were very recently running Windows on and can make some apples to apples comparisons. I'm going to give RoboLinux a shot once I get some new hardware and have a computer to use that isn't almost old enough to vote.
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  8. ceedj

    ceedj Survey Slinger

    Nice! I'm looking forward to seeing the resource differences myself, coming from an aging frankenDell mini form factor. Thanks for sharing!

    Thanks for that! Funny you mention kxstudio, I read recently about a guy building a Raspberry Pi into a Behringer Air X18 or 24 to get 16 or 24 tracks at once using an interleaved wav, which is the first I'd ever heard of that. Seems like a neat project! Anyway, how is the latency and audio quality using Linux vs a Windows system? I know Mac uses it's own Linux/Unix variant, and has always had superior audio throughout the years, could I expect similar performance with a Linux based setup?