Hi, I was wondering what the general time for PayPal withdraws on EarnHub was? I made a withdrawal on 4/9 but have not seen anything hit my PayPal account as of yet. I know in the past it has usually been one or two days, so I'm just checking to see if withdrawal times were changed. I did check my screenshot on when I made the withdrawal. The email I put in was correct. Thanks for your time!
Oh man, tbh I've been super focused on other stuff & never check it anymore. Anytime you do a withdrawal, just @ me on the forum or even send me a DM and it'll be done in minutes/hours instead of days haha but I'll go check them now. Its supposed to email me but its been broken for months now & I never fix it lol
@ChrisTurk I withdrew twice to donate to the site. Once over the summer and once like a month ago. Didn't know it didn't process unless I @'d you.
I just noticed the link is gone from the front page. Typing in the URL directly still works, though. @ChrisTurk I'm guessing that means it's no longer supported.