[Guide] Fixing Scripts for Worker (12/13 Temporary Fix)

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by ChrisTurk, Dec 13, 2017.

  1. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    This information is regarding changes made to worker.mturk early morning December 13th, it may not be up to date as time goes on or fix all issues.

    Last night @Kadauchi noted a change in the structure of HIT data on worker:
    In order to fix this you can attempt the following:

    Update Your Broken Script(s)
    Its possible the original script author has already updated to reflect the changes, but TamperMonkey only checks once or twice a day (or less) depending on your settings. You can try updating your script like this:
    • Go to your TamperMonkey Dashboard (this link should be the same across Chrome browsers, not sure on FF)
    • Ctrl+F to search for the script you want to update, then click the time field under "Last Updated" to check for an update like so:

    Manually Edit Your Broken Script(s)
    • Go to your TamperMonkey Dashboard (this link should be the same across Chrome browsers, not sure on FF)
    • Click on the script that is broken to open the editor for it
    • Ctrl+F and search for "hit_requirements" (without quotes)
    • Replace all instances of "hit_requirements" with "project_requirements" (again, without quotes)

    This may not work for all scripts but the major ones I've seen discussed (OW, HF) seem to be affected by this issue and changing the values fixes them per current discussion in today's Daily Thread.

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