Heya people, I've been around officially for about a month but I made my account not to long ago, I wanted to make sure I was comfortable making an account here. I'm glad I did because It has been great joking around on the forums posting ridiculous gifs while waiting for hits to pop up on the forum or my catcher. I was struggling to pay the few bills that I have, yea I know... only a few bills but that's because I am a homebody. I was let go from my job back in March 2020, and while unemployment helped for about a year, I was ready to go out into the world again. While job searching I was in a car accident with my father. Allow me to explain what exactly happened... It was a cold and gloomy night... oops wrong story. I was on my way back home, my dad driving, and there was word about a possible drunk driver on the freeway, (we didn't know) but he had previously made 5 cars before us spin out on the freeway but nothing bad happened but he still didn't stop. As we are entering the freeway, we notice a truck spun out right next to the lane where you enter the freeway, (where we are) and we barley missed the truck but since all of our attention was to the left of us where the truck was, we did not see the drunk drivers vehicle spin off the lane he was in and go full speed into our lane, with less than a second to react I screamed, "DAD!" and pointed at the vehicle... we hit the car at full speed at about 60 mph or less I would assume it was that because that's the speed limit on that part of the freeway, and because I pointed my dumbass (excuse my language) my hand quite literally shattered my radius, broke my fingers, wrist, and the worst of it all split my hand down the middle of the webbing of my middle and ring finger all the down to the middle of my palm. so literally split in half. Surprisingly it didn't hurt to bad, probably because I was in shock. I had emergency surgery and was in the hospital for 5 days straight, alone... (stupid covid) due to other complications from the crash. That happened this year back in march, I have had a very tough time recovering and I got my functionality back (somewhat) recently. I still have a rod in my wrist and pins preventing me from ever bending my wrist so it is stuck in a straight motion. Zooming past all those months to now I don't qualify for disability, because I was let go in 2020 , and Cant work because All my experience has been in minor to hard labor stuff and now I cant carry a 12 pack of soda wit my right hand. I have had no success in finding a job that would work with my disability... and that's where mturk came in. since I'm lucky enough to be living with my parent because I'm still pretty young lol, I don't pay to much in bills. I was able to use mturk to make about 5 dollars a day, and that was even a struggle for me at first. This community has helped me immensely by supplying me information that I would not otherwise know like this site, scripts and google chrome extensions. That has helped me quadruple my earning rate and I can now live (kind of) stress free regarding my financial situation. Thank you to everyone who has helped and lets keep turking! (sorry for the long story but I just want you guys to know a bit of me)
That's quite an experience! I feel bad that you went through it alone I would have really been upset if I hadn't had my family around me with that much trauma to deal with (COVID does suck). But it's good that it made you stronger plus keeping a positive can-do-attitude.. Kudos to you
I wanted to ask if you are using other platforms besides mturk. I have a few that I'm checking out if you don't have any try: Clickworkers (similar to mturk;this one is new to me I just got started) also try Prolific based in the UK (been with them for four years) you actually make okay money enough to supplement mturk (need a PayPal account though). The next platforms I'm going to try is Crowdflower, assistant services, iSoftStone, Mircroworkers, Onespace, and Rev.com to name a few that can help you make a little more than you are right now. I have looked up some of them and their reputations but it's not a for sure thing. I do my homework before I give them any personal info.
I have actually tried all those before haha and mtruk has been the best so far... thanks for the reply