Hello Turkers, Newbie from CO

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Kelsey T, May 14, 2021.

  1. Kelsey T

    Kelsey T New Turker

    Hey team I guess. Im Kelsey, been working on mTurk for a few weeks and its been whats allowed me to eat. Im soon to be living in a van with my 2 cats, happily though, cant wait to van-dwell. I lost my job last November and ran out of savings end of February. I have been an office worker the last 8 years in finance and I really dont want to go back. I can say prior to finding this resource, food was a struggle and I almost broke. Right now I average a payout of about 45 bucks every 3 days which is solid for not having any money the last 2+ months. But I dont quite understand the scripts or extensions. I havent quite figured out if its more productive to parse thru for the .40 to 1.50 HITs or drag thru hundreds of .12 HITs I can do in a minute. What are the best tips to be more efficient and how do I get qualified for the higher dollar HITs?
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  2. IcyTundra

    IcyTundra Tundra Thundra

    Welcome Kelsey! My just starting recommendation would be to keep checking in with the daily thread to see what folks are working on and to make sure you are always watching qualifeye to get the qualifications you will want. The scripts and extensions take time, but are worth the effort. Also people on this platform work in many different ways and it's about getting comfortable with what you are good at. Some folks just do surveys, other's work primarily on batches and some do a mixture of both.

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