I tried downloading MTurk Suite but it neither works in Chrome nor Firefox. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. Newbie “It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” ― Lewis Carroll
Heya, we can't have new threads posted in the daily section as it breaks a host of features - the big one would be TV reviews. Moving this thread to the social section help section!
How did you download it? If you actually downloaded a file off of github then you should go back & add it to chrome through Google's web store (its free): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mturk-suite/iglbakfobmoijpbigmlfklckogbefnlf?hl=en-US If you did add it to Chrome & its still not working lemme know & we can troubleshoot from there, but 'downloaded' makes me think maybe it got grabbed off github instead? Shouldn't need to download anything
Chris, I hope this message reaches you. I tried "conversations" and entered your name and administrator but I received an error message. Thank you for your help. While I prefer Firefox, I have added MTurk Suite to Chrome. I launched Tracker, Catcher and Finder. I am truly from newbieland. What steps am I overlooking? Importing, Adding, Including? BTW, you were correct, I did "download" from github.
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