I am new to mturk and cannot work out how to un-reject a HIT. For this task I used "Create HITS individually", not Batch. Various searches all describe how to do this for HITS created using Batch mode. I've not found guidance for HITS created individually. Would be oh so nice, via the Requestor UI, "Manage HITS individually" to select a rejected assignment, and then be able to un-reject from there. Maybe I'm missing something obvious. Thanks for your help. Steve.
But yeah I'm assuming that this link doesn't have the info that you need? http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSMechTurk/latest/RequesterUI/ReversingRejectedAssignment.html I honestly haven't touched the requester side of stuff so I don't know what needs to be done.
Thanks @Randomacts That is the guidance I've read so far but is limited to HITS created using Batch. My HIT was created "individually", not using Batch.
You're not missing anything, the functionality isn't there. You'll need to get AWS credentials linked to your account if you want to overturn the rejection yourself, or put in a support ticket w/ mTurk. The Requester dashboard is basically a gimped version of mTurk. That particular part of it (create/manage HITs individually) is even more neutered as far as functionality goes. This page will walk you through linking your mTurk account to AWS services: https://requester.mturk.com/developer - if you run into issues just give me a shout I spent many hours banging my head against the CLI wall when I was first learning it all. The API is more intuitive if you've got programming experience, and if you get your credentials setup I had a script that can just plug in data and overturn the rejection I can send your way if you don't want to write your own. Anyway, if you plan on using mTurk long-term, and especially if your project is in depth, its probably worth wading through the CLI/API (you can safely skip the CLI if you want to fully commit haha, but its slightly less intense if you just want it to overturn a rejection/bonus a worker every now and then) documentation to learn the platform. If this is just a one-off project you want to overturn a rejection for you may be better off just throwing in a support ticket and letting Amazon clean up their mess. It'll take longer (so give the worker a heads up) but they're decentish at dealing with this kind of scenario.
Sorry it couldn't be more useful info. One big thing to mention is DO NOT hit the "delete this HIT" link - if you do that it'll "dispose" the HIT and the rejection will be permanent. ATM you've got 30 days from the time it was rejected to get it overturned, disposing a HIT sends it into a permanent abyss where it can never be overturned, even by mTurk's support IIRC haha. I made that mistake early on..