Hello everyone, I am a new researcher and recently launched my first HIT, which you can find by searching "Environmental Behavior" or through this link: https://worker.mturk.com/?filters[s...1&sort=num_hits_desc&filters[min_reward]=0.01 If you have any suggestions, I would welcome any and all feedback. Thank you!
It looks like people have already done your hit, and the general consensus is that the pay is pretty bad: https://turkerview.com/requesters/A3CEN7RSA4HVQ8-melissa-m-moore&sort=latest
@ChrisTurk We have a requester. According to TV https://turkerview.com/requesters/?id=A3CEN7RSA4HVQ8 The pay for this is looking a little low. A lot of people won't do hits if they don't think they can make it work out to at least minimum wage, preferably higher.
I can't even do the HIT because it's masters only.. I've done nearly 50,000 tasks and have a 99.97% approval rating. No-one even knows what the requirements for masters are and there are people out there with worse ratings and less completed HITs who have it. If you want more people to do the HIT you could consider dropping the masters requirement and changing it to 90% approval rating. Also, make sure your hourly rate is at least on par with federal minimum wage.
This^ No Masters >98% Approval >5000 Approved Location: US (you can throw canada/aussies/uk in there if you care but IMO its hardly worth the extra bodies, YMMV) You definitely need the US location qual assuming you're an American academic doing research IMO. There are plenty of workers from foreign countries who have Masters & will do your HIT at that pay rate, and frankly I don't remember it very well but most surveys are better off with English fluent takers.
If I drop the Masters I could certainly raise the pay, but I may need to cancel the HIT and re-launch it. I'll look into this, thank you, it's very helpful. I appreciate the insight that Masters isn't all it's hyped up to be.
Also hi welcome sorry was just piling in b/c the quals are probably the biggest factor in getting your HIT done (+pay would be nice, but its fairly borderline IIRC & you'll just get folks skipping the writing portion at that payrate lol) but quals will open the HIT up to a lot more workers.
Thank you! I wasn't concerned with location but I can see I need to consider it differently. Good to know that approval rating is a more direct way to get quality hits. I wish I'd come to you all sooner!
Basically any mturk worker worth their salt has >98% approval. Anyone below that is likely a bad worker. Masters on the other hand is seemingly randomly handed out to workers every once in a blue moon. Even if most of the regulars here have masters I don't think that the qual is worth whatever they are charging you.
Every year or two when they give it out I have to replace my F5 button. Then I cry because I didn't get it and can't afford a new F5.
From what I understand, and I've read up on this quite a bit, is that Masters qualification is over 10,000 approved hits, >99% approval rating, and getting your name drawn out of a hat. Seriously. It's randomly awarded to a certain number of people every year that meet the base qualifications. And SO many requesters think that this is some sort of serious qualification. Not trying to get on your case, I'm just venting a little bit. Master's qualification is doing HITs like you're supposed to for 6 months or a year, and then getting really lucky.