(Mon. 6th of Nov 1PM EDT & 3PM EDT) Guess the correlation and get up to $10

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by Abdullah, Nov 5, 2017.

  1. Abdullah

    Abdullah AGEIRIHRRYV6P

    We are back with more fun experiments!

    We will run an online multiplayer game as part of a MIT scientific project.

    The HIT require people to be online simultaneously with no repeat takers (participants are allowed to play the game only once; if you played back in April/May, you won't be able to participate).

    Monday 6th of Nov will run the game twice (you only can participate in one, if you haven't participated in the experiment before):
    1. Qual HIT at 1pm EDT; actual HIT at 2pm EDT
    2. Qual HIT at 3pm EDT; actual HIT at 4pm EDT
    Requester ID: AGEIRIHRRYV6P

    The Qualification HIT information:
    HIT title:
    (Qual HIT) Guess the correlation and get up to $10
    Time: 1pm EDT or 3pm EDT (depends on which HIT you want to do)
    Expected HIT length: 30 seconds
    Qualification: "Guess the Correlation Score" qualification is NOT granted

    The actual HIT information:
    HIT title:
    [Play immediately] Guess the correlation and get up to $10
    Time: 2pm EDT or 4pm EDT (depends on which HIT you want to do)
    Expected HIT length: 10-35 minutes (depending on condition)
    HIT expectations:
    • Your decision to participate in the experiment is entirely voluntary.
    • 45 participates will receive the quals and 36 will play the game.
    • The remaining participants who are granted the quals (maximum 9, if everyone shows up on time) will be in the surplus room (in case someone goes idle or fails the attention checks).
    • People in the surplus room will be paid the base of $2 and this will not effect their future participation in our HITs.
    • The bonus varies across conditions (randomly assigned), as some conditions have longer expected play time (maximum bonus ranges from $2 to $8 based on condition)
    • The average hourly pay was $14 so far.
    • People who join the HIT late will receive: "Sorry, we've missed you" message. This is important to avoid the problem of people auto-accepting the HIT without playing immediately. In previous runs, we experienced 3-5 participants that accept the HIT and go idle (i.e., not showing up on time).
    If you are to participate and get assigned the qualification, it is critical that you show up on time at the beginning of the time window. Otherwise, it would delay the start of the game for the other participants
    • Today I Learned Today I Learned x 1
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2017
  2. slothbear

    slothbear Survey Slinger

    If we did your HITs earlier in the year, are we disqualified from these? Thanks for all the communication on the forum!
  3. Abdullah

    Abdullah AGEIRIHRRYV6P

    Yes, you only can do one of the 'guess the correlation' HITs. However, this will change soon as we change the task in couple of weeks :)
    • Today I Learned Today I Learned x 1
  4. Rycros

    Rycros Well-Known Turker

    hi @Abdullah! I've already completed your hit from last week, but i want to clarify for people who want to take it this week. Your post says Thursday, November 6th.

    was it supposed to me monday the 6th? or thursday the 9th?

  5. Abdullah

    Abdullah AGEIRIHRRYV6P

    You are right, it should be Monday (today)-- I fixed it in the post! Also, we will be running it everyday (except Tuesday) this week :)