So I am not new to Mturk at all Just TurkerView. How on earth do I leave a review? When I go into the turkerview on my dashboard there is no one there. Also can't seem to find a thread on it other than the main video. Am I doing something wrong or is it so obvious i'm over looking it? Edit, Figured it out as soon as I started a HIT. Geez I'm dumb sometimes.
I struggled with this too. When I go to mouse over the part where you can leave a review I just get a message saying "you must be logged in on to use this feature" I am logged on on turkerview so I'm not sure where I'm going wrong :s
I'm having the same Issue. I tried all the things in the other thread, and it still doesn't work but maybe it will for you? Log out of both, close your window, open a new window, log in here first using your email or username. Log into TV using the SAME email or username you used for turkerhub, then log into Mturk. It's what was suggested before, but it didn't work for me, so I hope someone else can help out with it.
Have you guys come across this post by chance: The script should alert you to this post if it encounters the login bug so if you could screenshot that for me it'd be super helpful to see if its not displaying properly.