When I get a batch from one of my watchers I'll only get one accepted at a time even if I have the queue cap set to a higher number. Is there something else I need to be changing to get in more at a time? What should 'Max Per Project' be set to?
Unless there is a short timer and I know I can't get the queue done before they expire I leave the queue cap on 0. Some batches end up being throttled if there are a lot of people doing it and I can't get more than a couple in my queue at a time.
If it is a batch requester, you do typically do not want to set a Max Project. This field should be 0 or blank. When you set a Max Project parameter, you are essentially telling QBC, "I only ever want to catch x amount for any GID from this requester." In turn QBC will create a block to prevent it from accepting anymore HITs with the same GID after it has reached that amount. This is useful for survey requesters, not for batch requesters. If you have been using Max Project for any of your batch RIDs, you should edit the watchers to remove Max Project and then go through your block list to double check that none are accidently blocked.