Pay to review? Free for review info?

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Support' started by PatrickBatman, Jan 25, 2019.

  1. PatrickBatman

    PatrickBatman Turker

    It seems to me (but maybe im getting this wrong) that the thing most people want (access to reviews) will still be free. But writing reviews will be charged. While most people wont even do writing on mturk at all or wont if it doesnt pay really well, it seems backwards to charge to write reviews, but not for access to valuable info from those reviews. Unless the thought is if people have to pay to write reviews, will write better reviews because they're paying. I know another advantage to paying is getting the hitforker TV hourly rate real time. But still it seems backwards to me (if i'm taking this all in correctly).

    The reason i bring this up because I like writing reviews on here & feel like me writing reviews is something i shouldnt have to pay for, being it helps others and it takes time away from me from doing more hits and the fact that some requesters will pay for such writing. Charging for access to the reviews themselves make more sense.
  2. Ornac

    Ornac Survey Slinger TurkerView Masters

    @ChrisTurk can address this better than me, but no you have it wrong. Use of the website, reviewing, and all use of the return reviews is free. What he is charging for is use of the API. What this means is use in other applications that make calls to TV. SO for instance if you are using HitForker or Hitfinder and want to see the nice colored boxes and hover over information then you need to pay. If you want to write a review or go to the TV website and look things up then you don't. Please jump in here CT and correct me if I'm wrong about anything.
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  3. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator


    I just wanna be super clear: There is no way I'd ever charge users to submit data to TV. Absolutely not haha. I'd be super appreciative if you could throw me things I've written that gave you that impression because I'd absolutely love to go change them so other folks don't think that!

    I'm continually trying to improve the process so users don't have to take a lot of time to submit content because, as you pointed out, it does take out of their workday to do so. It'd definitely be wrong to make them pay not only with time but funding as well. One way or another I'd really prefer to find ways to give users back value for submitting things to the site, not the other way around :) It is difficult to balance though for sure, but that is definitely the opposite direction than where I want to head haha :D
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  4. PatrickBatman

    PatrickBatman Turker

    I thought this because I believed the JS injection was protected by the API and thought this affected turkerview on Amazon Mturk itself & scrapers, so the API only affects scrapers? I didnt realize turkerview fit with everything I thought was wrong with TO or I would of given TV my pages of reviews instead of TO (however I've submitted a review to TV for every hit ive done since using the API and none to TO :))