Looking at the TVJS script, I'm unable to pull up any HITs that were submitted more than 4 days ago. Is there any way to increase the date range of the script so I can find some HITs that extend beyond that?
I don't believe so. You would have to ask @ChrisTurk as he is the one that actually understands how it works on the back-end.
How long have you had the script installed? It'll allow you to review at least 5 days atm, & I think 7, on the most up to date version. But clearing local cache/cookies will also clear TV's data.
I started using the script on the 20th, IIRC, and it only allows me to pick back to the 22nd from the drop-down list. I haven't cleared cache/cookies EDIT: Yesterday, HITs from the 21st were available, and they were not starting today