Here's a quick script for the RoofTyper HITs if they come back. If it isn't working, send me a message and I'll try to update it! 1-3 for roof shape choices q-e for the different issues set autosubmit true/false to submit/not submit after using one of the keybinds p.s. - if you have autosubmit off, don't use any of the keybinds if you type in the suggestion box in the HIT. You choice will get changed Code: // ==UserScript== // @name RoofTyper Helper // @version 2.0 // @author slothbear // @include* // @require // ==/UserScript== // 1-3 for the roof shape choices // q,w,e for the issue choices var autosubmit = false; //set true or false to submit after using a keybind $(function() { const is_roofShape = document.body.innerText.indexOf('Roof Shape') > -1; if (!is_roofShape) return false; //end if sanity check finds nothing roofShape(); }); function roofShape() { $('p').eq(0).remove(); //remove some extra text $(document).keydown(function(e) { if (e.key.match(/[1-3]/)) { //1-3 for roof shapes var roofShapeChoice = e.key - 1; $('input.shape:radio').eq(roofShapeChoice).click(); } else if (e.key === 'q' ) { //q - e for issues $('input[name="issue"]').eq(0).click(); } else if (e.key === 'w') { //q-e for issues $('input[name="issue"]').eq(1).click(); } else if (e.key === 'e') { //q-e for issues $('input[name="issue"]').eq(2).click(); } if (autosubmit) $('#submitButton').click(); //submit hit if 'autosubmit = true' }); }
Thanks, but which requester is this for? My turkopticon search for Roof and Rooftyper didn't turn up anything obvious. While the HITS are probably long gone, a HIT serach for the term "roof" came up empty as well.
The requester is RoofTyper, id A2O2IHD4GZ208P. They posted a bunch yesterday, and may or may not pop up again in a few days. They've shown up with several big batches (cheap, but good filler) over the past sixth months or so.
Thanks. There's no recent TO, and that ID is currently listed in the TO search as "Map Solutions" which is why I couldn't find it.
Yeah, I think they used to use that name. If you use OW, just put their ID in there and wait. It could be a month or two before they post again....or tomorrow, you never know.