Hey guys, I have googled my face off here and I can not figure out for the life of me what this is but it is constantly limiting my ability to be qualified for hits. I keep running into the 'Not less than 100' modifier and I am lost as to how exactly one is to go about getting this (apparently) very common qualification. Any of you guys know how to get this? PS: First post in the forums here. Sorry if its in the wrong place.
You ever notice some surveys have optional questions on the mturk page under where you put the completion code? Those are from TurkPrime and they're used to assign quals so that requesters who use TurkPrime's service can get people with certain characteristics that they want for their surveys. Do those optional questions. You won't get all of the TP panel quals, but you may get some of them.
And make sure you either only do them once, or make very sure you're answering consistently because if you mess up (for instance saying you're male once and female another time) TP can end up screening you out of everything.
Ohhhhhh. Okay. That makes a lot of sense now that I put it in context. Thanks for the assist you guys! I thought that would take a lot longer to get an answer.
I realize that this question is very old - but, on these Turk Prime questions, all I seem to ever see is the same 3 questions, usually the same question is repeated more then once - how is congress doing, and how is Trump doing. No matter how many times I answer these questions, they continually pop up, and I can't seem to answer anything else. Pretty certain i pick the same answer every time - but maybe I didn't once and that why I can't get past these 3 questions? Any one else seeing this issue?
Yes I've noticed the same thing . I make sure to answer consistently but its always the same ones. I get screened out of some real great hits because of TP panel less than 100
I answered the question that asked for total household income with just my income and then I corrected it later by entering my partner and my income since we live together.. can this screen me out of everything because there are a lot of questions I am not getting? IS there any way to rectify this?