I'm using Google Chrome and I've been trying to mess with this one HIT for ages, and I can't seem to access the Shadow DOM using methods I've seen. The part that is confusing me is I'm using a piece of script from "MTurk Submit Orange Buttons with Hotkey (`)" to troubleshoot and what is essentially the same exact use of shadowRoot works on the page in question. I'm trying to keep the post short and not messy but if anybody wants a link to the HIT interface I can share that too. These are the elements I'm trying to access (starting with crowd-image-classifier): And here is my code that should be navigating to the Shadow DOM: Code: var shadowCheck = document.querySelector("crowd-image-classifier"); var shadowButton = shadowCheck.shadowRoot; console.log(shadowButton.innerHTML); But it always returns null. I can't find out any major differences between that code and: Code: document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 192){ // ` let crowd = document.querySelector(`crowd-button[form-action="submit"]`) || document.querySelector(`crowd-classifier`) || document.querySelector(`crowd-image-classifier`) || document.querySelector(`crowd-bounding-box`) || document.querySelector(`crowd-keypoint`) || document.querySelector(`crowd-polygon`) || document.querySelector(`crowd-instance-segmentation`) || document.querySelector(`crowd-semantic-segmentation`) || document.querySelector(`body > crowd-form`); if (crowd){ e.preventDefault(); crowd.shadowRoot.querySelector(`[type='submit']`).click(); } else { e.preventDefault(); document.querySelector(`[type='submit']`).click(); } } }); Which is what the MTurk Orange Button Submit script uses to navigate into similar Shadow DOMs. This works if I run it on the same page, it submits the HIT. There's other buttons I want to be able to press though, and for some reason I can't access the Shadow DOM on my own. By the way, I have no idea what I'm doing. I just started learning JQuery like two days ago. Thanks a lot to anyone who tries to help though. Don't mean to step on any toes, I'm not sure how openly you guys talk about scripting.
Are you sure you're including your script on the right pages? Don't forget that the HIT content itself is embedded in an iFrame. Try doing this: Code: // @include https://s3.amazonaws.com/* // @include https://www.mturkcontent.com/*
It looks fine to me. My first guess would be that you're selecting the wrong crowd element to access the shadowRoot that contains the submit button. Does `crowd-button[form-action="submit"]` exist in that HIT you have pictured? I would try it without that selector or at least moving it behind `crowd-classifier` and `crowd-image-classifier`
Sorry if my post was confusing. Yes, `crowd-button[form-action="submit"] exists in the HIT, and it exists in the same Shadow DOM that I'm trying to access with the other piece of code. That second piece of code works fine on the page, while the first piece of code returns null, which doesn't make any sense to me. They are both referencing the same "crowd-image-classifier" block and for some reason the other person's script code is able to access the Shadow DOM and mine isn't. I can't see any major differences in the code which is why it's confusing me.
It still doesn't work, I added Code: // @include https://s3.amazonaws.com/* to my script but the second piece of code I posted runs fine without it, and the selectors are referencing the same elements as my first piece of code, which is why it doesn't make sense that it's not working.
Can you copy this entire script (including comments on top) and try to run it on that HIT's page? Do you see HTML code in the console or does it show an error? Code: // ==UserScript== // @name BigPoop // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @include https://www.mturkcontent.com/* // @include https://s3.amazonaws.com/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== console.log(document.querySelector("crowd-image-classifier").shadowRoot.innerHTML); If you can let me know what HIT you're talking about (or just link the source code of the page), it would be much easier to help you.
Yeah, it just shows an error. Returns null when you try to access innerHTML in shadowRoot. Here's the HIT, I don't know why I didn't just share it right away. Like I said, the block of code with all of the selectors in "crowd" (the one I took from another script) works on the page and is able to retrieve elements from shadowRoot. When I basically rewrite the same exact code and try to access the elements myself it doesn't work, and I don't see anything that is allowing that block of code to work on the page while my own code doesn't work. EDIT: Even Code: console.log(document.querySelector("crowd-image-classifier").shadowRoot); On its own returns null.
So, in this particular case, you just have to wait a few seconds for the HIT content to completely load before you try to access "crowd-image-classifier". This waits 5 seconds before doing anything: Code: // ==UserScript== // @name BigPoop // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @include https://www.mturkcontent.com/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== setTimeout(PrintShit, 5000); function PrintShit() { console.log(document.querySelector("crowd-image-classifier").shadowRoot.innerHTML); } Works on my machine. P.S. Also, you might wanna remove your MTurk ID from that link you posted.
God bless you, I'll give it a try in a second. Not surprised I dropped my ID by accident, hopefully I don't make that mistake again lol.
So, now I can access the innerHTML of the Shadow DOM, and I can access the div "react-mount-point", but I can't access anything past that... For instance, I am trying to access the elements in these divs, or even just access the divs themselves, but they all return null even after 5 seconds. Here is the code I'm using to try and figure out which elements I can access: Code: var shadowCheck = document.querySelector("crowd-image-classifier"); var shadowBtn = shadowCheck.shadowRoot; var shadowDeeper = shadowBtn.querySelector("#react-mount-point"); console.log(shadowDeeper.querySelector("#awsui").innerHTML); Starts returning null again. I can view the innerHTML of "react-mount-point" and after that get null.
"awsui" is a class, not an ID. If you want to select a class, you need to use a period, not #: Code: console.log(shadowDeeper.querySelector(".awsui").innerHTML);
I knew that last problem was going to be something stupid. I've got enough to go on to get back to trying to figure stuff out on my own. Thanks a lot for your help, I sincerely appreciate it.