We will be running an online multiplayer game as part of a MIT scientific project. The game will take place Today (Tuesday 11th of April) at 2pm EST time. The HIT will be open for everyone with approval rate of 95% or higher and will require people to be online simultaneously. We will post a batch of 45 HITs. The first 36 workers who pass the attention checks will play the game. We will run the experiment again (x8 times) with no repeat takers (participants are allowed to play the game only once) in the upcoming days. In the HIT, you will be asked to guess the correlation from a scatter plot (with a twist). You will get the instructions within the game that will explain how to do that. The game must be played from a desktop or laptop (No mobile support). HITType ID: 39I6UD9LVI3TYGU5NMUERBS9H2T6NA HIT title: Guess the correlation and get up to $10 Requester: Abdullah (Human Dynamics) Time: 2PM EST PS: The bonus varies across conditions (random assigned), as some conditions have higher average play time (maximum bonus ranges from $2 up to $8 based on performance and condition).
No. No repeat takers (if you played the game last week). Although this should reset very soon (once we change the task).
No the HIT will be posted at 2PM and you can start immediately. Starting from next week, we will try to use quals HITs to ensure that people are online simultaneously.
In the future you can give qualifications to people if have played X game to exclude them from playing that specific game again. It makes it a lot easier when requesters do that imho.
Also, can we prevent the HIT to be auto-accepted by a script? This seems to be the main issue (people accept the HIT and not go through the instructions until it is too late).
We are still trying to figure out how to do the qualifications in a way that works for the experiment (with the randomization and the platform logic that we have). But we will definitely look into how we can incorporate this feedback into it.
You can't and people are likely also getting returns ect You can give everyone who has done the game a qual saying that they have done the game and then on the hit itself have the qualifications set to exclude people with that qualification. Make sure to have a new one for each new game though ofc
Thanks for the pointers. We are currently using https://uniqueturker.myleott.com/ to ensure unique turkers. This javascript code notifies the turker when click on a HIT that they can not take. Is there an advantage of doing it in any other way?
So why exactly did you go back to using a masters qualification on the new qualification hit? I'm pretty sure that we have been over the fact that it doesn't give you better workers. It does however limit your pool of workers and cost you more money. The whole masters thing is kind of a scam that Amazon has stop putting effort into as they have downplayed it a bit in favor to the even more of a scam premium qualifications that charge 50 cents per each one per a hit or something like that. Masters hasn't been given out since December 2015 anyways and even when it was it was given out randomly to people with as low as 3000 approved hits (or perhaps lower but I haven't seen a lower number). People have even gotten masters on banned accounts.
That was a mistake in the panel for notifying turkers (legacy HIT template). The Qual HIT tomorrow at 1PM + the actual HIT at 2PM will not require masters qual, nor the panel notification opt-in now.