Whooo! We found one. A real live fire. In fact, it was @LurkerLUL who spotted it. He caught in on Friday at 630 PST. Here are the images below. So this image was posted at 6:00 PST, it took 30 minutes for us to get a notification that someone had found it. That person being @LurkerLUL These cameras only update once every 30 minutes between 2 and 6 PST. So basically we weren't going to get any more images to confirm the presence of smoke. We then phoned the camera company and asked them to provide us with one more update. Which we received at 8:30 PST: Boom. No doubt about it. So we reported the fire. This was not an easy smoke to find, so huge shout-out to @LurkerLUL We've also decided on a $10 bonus for primary smoke detections (real ones) so we're happy (and thankful) to be able to send it to @LurkerLUL . Seriously guys, this community is amazing. We have an opportunity to make an incredible impact on the jobs of emergency responders. This first summer is all trial basis, but we're making a great case for this to be expanded. We have some things to work on, like it would have been nice to detect this smoke at 6:05 instead of 6:30, but we'll work on those thing. For now, great job and keep it up!
I'm fairly certain that @LurkerLUL is a dude going by our voice chats together while playing tabletop simulator. (Most of us have our genders on our profiles btw)
This is exciting. Not that I want to be excited about a forest fire, but you know, the process working and all that.
I definitely know what you mean. British Columbia has just declared a state of emergency because of the impact wildfires are having right now (evacuations, closed highways, lost infrastructure, etc.) It's nice to be able to give back.
Way to go @LurkerLUL! Good eyes! I'm happy to see your system work @Robert. I hope other Wildfire Agencies take note of how awesome this system is.
In case anyone is interested, you can pretty easily see the growth of the fire today from where it was Friday:
Had a little one a few miles from me yesterday....they got it handled in a few hours but dry cali hills are scary
Nice @LurkerLUL @Robert not sure if this is correct or if mturk is sending out bonuses twice again. Just got two of these. Greetings from Amazon Mechanical Turk, You've received a bonus from Robert Atwood for work related to 3TKXBROM5TF9QUTP79GWRJRU83GJIH. The value of your bonus is: $5.00 USD The Requester included this note: This is a bonus for completing 500 hits! Thanks for your support. -Robert Thanks for being a Worker on Mechanical Turk Would suck if mturk is bugged again.