I currently use 2 instances of hit scraper. One to find surveys, one to find batches. Hit monitor watching some requesters I enjoy doing work for, and turkmaster for pandas. (I dont have more than 3/4 pandas running at once). I've been hearing different scripts such as overwatch, pandacrazy, hit finder, etc and wondering if the way I am doing things is outdated. Do you do something different to be more efficient?
Hit Finder replaces Hit Scraper in your setup Overwatch replaces Hit Monitor Panda Crazy replaces TM (and possibly HM as well, not 100% haven't tried it thoroughly).
Yup I use Hit Finder / Overwatch/ Panda Crazy ... Although I am guilty of not running hit finder when I'm super tired and just want to work on batch without being distracted.
Hit finder has a history log and that is super useful. Overwatch runs while logged in so it can see hidden qual hits and it doesn't share the same PRE pool because it is on worker.mturk. Panda Crazy has a whole window to work with so it is easier to organize and it automatically balances your pandas so that it can hit mturk as hard as it can't without getting PREs.
If anyone is willing to share, can you elaborate on the use of Hit Monitor / Overwatch? I'm using Scraper and Panda Crazy (which I just switched to recently from TM and like more). What functionality to you get with HM/Overwatch that is better/more efficient? I'm always trying to find the balance between efficiency and complexity.
I only use PC now for both my monitoring and accepting needs. You really don't need to install scripts for both uses nowadays (in fact turkers are installing way more scripts these days than neccessary which is a really bad trend - this is why panda crazy is so awesome). PC's key strength is that it uses cycles instead of concurrent timers. Here's a vid (by me) on how to install/use it if you're not on it already: HM/OW are similar to PC in that it doesn't use a million timers as more HITs are added. Its focus is more on monitoring than scraping or accepting (although scripts exist to help auto-accept in conjunction Here's a great vid (by the author) on OW:
@Randomacts got a question about Panda Crazy - when I'm working on something like Z's for instance, I would have two watchers, 1 at 3 seconds and 1 at 2. Does PC do something similar? I also have a search that will notify me for a certain amount or better, can I do this with PC too? Does it add a link (Watch This HIT/Requestor) like TM does? Not sure if I'm ready to switch just yet, but it looks like an interesting tool.
Not sure if PC does the certain amount or more but it could.. PC is crazzzy powerful =p Anyways PC will try to run the pandas as fast as it can in the cycle you set it to but what you might be looking for is Hit Weight as that will make it run more or less often in the cycle. For more detailed information you could checkout the help page. http://pandacrazy.allbyjohn.com/
I'm in the process of switching from TM to PC and had a question. Is there a way to export from TM to PC or will it all have to be manually inputted? Also is there a way to search for a requester? I have TM to ding if A9 has anything listed because their pandas always change.
Good afternoon everyone, how is the day going? Just sitting down after a late morning hike. Anything I should know about?
Yes, thanks for the heads up. Will delete. Can't delete. Let this be a lesson in attention to detail.
Are you talking about backing them up? https://turkerhub.com/threads/remem...-backups-in-multiple-locations.24/#post-25690
Having a hard time trying to log into hit notifier, keeps getting this message not sure what it means maybe the site is down. 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.10.0 (Ubuntu)