Hey guys, I have been nothing but a lurker in wonder of this place since starting

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by GiantInTheOcean, May 7, 2019.

  1. GiantInTheOcean

    GiantInTheOcean New Turker

    Hey Turks? Turkers?

    Not exactly sure what to write, other than I came to this place when I had no other corner to turn to. Yes, I'm not doing well in life. Yes, I would work any job in my field given the chance. But no, my current medical needs and life have been drastically dictating my every move. Beside all of the above nonsense, live moves on and so does the world. So I've followed some guidlines and I thought I had a decent grasp on what this crowd sourcing employment is...up until I was presented with a maze of scripts and the like. So after installing Panda crazy, TurkerMaster, The Suite, I mean you name it, I've grabbed it and I think in doing so may have messed up how say PandACrazy speaks to mTurk since I have OverWatch and the countless other "Top scripts to download".

    I'm aware I need to be focused on keeping my rejection point to zero and have been keen in doing so. But without to many spoilers, this is my dashboard after a few days from getting approved.


    I suffer from Chron's and my beautiful wife pays everything, so I am really trying to pull some weight. But Panda Crazy is well...crazy. I have figured out most about it but someone at my caliber I can't decide if OverWatch, Mturk Engine, or Panda Crazy is what I need.

    Its 11:23pm or 23:23m however you go by. But I am not expecting this post to get much attention. But I'm willing to sit and chat and talk about whatever thoughts might come to be :az:
  2. Randomacts

    Randomacts Survey Slinger

    Overwatch went EOL over a year ago so I can't really suggest using it and it isn't even comparable to panda crazy. It is basically just a scraper but only for an include list.
  3. TheNerdyAnarchist

    TheNerdyAnarchist Survey Slinger

    if you're using Panda Crazy, toss Hit Forker into the mix, and you should be set
    • Like Like x 1
  4. GiantInTheOcean

    GiantInTheOcean New Turker

    I'm sorry I haven't figured out how to quote anyone yet. But I took my pups out and came back to a few responses. I'm being told that OverWatch is out dated and lose it. But use Hit Forker which I have. Again I went crazy on just getting every single script up till I found this forum.

    So looking at my dashboard, clearly I'm doing decent because I have zero rejections....but do I just keep grinding until my 10 day probational period is up?
  5. GiantInTheOcean

    GiantInTheOcean New Turker


    Can someone please tell me what is worth it and what isn't and I'll be gladly to fix 'er up. I tend to use just the normal mTurk with the review scripts. Occasionally Ill use the Panda Crazy script to grab things for grinding.
  6. purplepotato

    purplepotato Lavender Spudkin

    Hi welcome :)

    I'm new here too, so I'm not an expert by any means, but it sounds like you're feeling a bit overwhelmed. I'd recommend starting out with Hit Forker and Panda Crazy (plus the PC Helper and PC Queue Helper you've already installed), and just don't worry about a bunch of other scripts until you're comfortable with those. I just watch the logged hits section in HF, and if I see a hit I want to do, click the little P or O on the right to send it directly to PC to try to catch it. While your new, make sure to check the reviews on TV and TO, and stick to trusted requesters if you're worried about rejections. Don't stress too much about maintaining 100% approval rating, it won't last long - getting rejected is unfortunately just part of the game. You really only need to worry about keeping your approval rating above 98-99%.

    Feel free to post in the daily threads as well, folks are really great around here.
    • Today I Learned Today I Learned x 1
  7. moonshay76

    moonshay76 Survey Slinger


    I can say that learning as much as you can while on your probation period is the best. there are a lot of youtube videos about how to use panda and other ones. I can tell you that once you learn these and work with them you will find what works best for you.

    Just keep plugging away and learning as much as you can, you will get better as you do. We are always here for questions, so dont hesitate to ask.