[Browser Extension] migrating to MTS from task archive

Discussion in 'mTurk Scripts & Resources' started by sean, Mar 28, 2021.

  1. sean

    sean New Turker

    I'm devastated. Task Archive has been my go to extension for working on mturk, but since the chrome webstore payment has been deprecated, the developer closed up shop and disappeared. It was working fine through google sync on my new computer, but I had to try out the new brave browser and free bat crypto. Task Archive didn't work no matter what I tried, including copying and pasting the entire folder, loading from unpacked (that really screwed it up). In doing so, I have managed to corrupt the copy of working Task Archive on my new computer. It still works fine on my old computer that it sync'd from. I can get it to work on the new laptop but it involves constantly copying and pasting the _metadata folder which gets deleted by chrome.

    So I asked around about what's happening, and it appears, the time for the task archive may have come and gone. Now I should see if I can live with MTS. Then I realized my old backup of the HITS done cannot be imported into MTS. Is there a solution for this? The back up shows lines like...


    It appears to be encrypted? is there any way that can be imported into MTS?

    Another question, it seems the wiki on Kadauchi's github page no longer matches the MTS GUI. What is the O and M button next to the accept button supposed to do? I don't just want to click it to test it out, only to end up returning the hit. And it appears that on the hit finder, it only shows the O and M button without the accept button.

    Thanks for any help
  2. Kadauchi

    Kadauchi Administrator Former MTG MotM

    You're right about it being encrypted. As of now it cannot be imported in MTS so don't remove TA since that will be the only way to unencrypt it. I can't guarantee that it will ever be able to be imported and I won't be able to even really look into this for some time since I'm trying to clear out my massive backlog of stuff I have to do.

    The wiki was built for v2 so a lot of that will be outdated info, but some will be still be accurate.

    The O (once) and M (many) buttons are for sending the HIT directly to HIT Catcher.

    The reward amount is the accept link on HIT Finder.
  3. Fuzzy_Dunlop

    Fuzzy_Dunlop Turker


    Something like this would work if you don't mind rolling up your sleeves
    and diving into the tech. Make a few backup copies on the working

    The Sync encryption should use be similar to the system used to protect
    your browser's saved passwords and every other bit of data that you
    really shouldn't be storing in a browser to begin with. This process
    stores the key on the host system's keyring. So when you log in to your
    computer, the keyring automatically unlocks and the browser has free
    access to the decryption key.

    An alternative solution would be to edit the existing source code on the
    working machine and add `console.log()` until you enumerate out every
    key detail you need from the old database. Once you have everything in
    plaintext, it would need a quick formatting adjustment to become correct
    according to the MTSv3 storage scheme.
  4. sean

    sean New Turker

    Thank you. Appreciate it.
  5. sean

    sean New Turker

    This is beyond my ability. it will be a while before I can understand that page.
  6. sean

    sean New Turker

    I've done some digging aroudn TA options and documentations and I came across the API page, which I've really never looked at before..

    Under Search HIT database API, there is this stuff.

    • Search HIT database
    • For a basic search, you can just submit an attribute name and a value to search for, e.g. { date: "20181231" }. You can also use an array with two values to specify an inclusive range, or a regular expression to be used as a match pattern.

      All regular expressions need to be sent as a string, flag-less and prefixed with $#. I.e. to use: /match this|or this|or \(~10 minutes\)/i send "$#match this|or this|or \\(~10 minutes\\)".

      To receive all HITs in the database, use { title: "" }.

    That last line seems promising in terms of doing what you were suggesting earlier that is enumerate out all the HITs, and then reformat for MTS.

    Now my question is where does this line { title: "" } go?

    TA then has some examples This is called the extension context

    chrome.runtime.sendMessage("boaodomjkjehcobmcehliafmodimcidg", { searchTasks: { title: "survey" } }, ({results}) => { console.log(`${results.length} HITs were found`); console.table(results); });

    I tried removing the survey from the above line

    chrome.runtime.sendMessage("boaodomjkjehcobmcehliafmodimcidg", { searchTasks: { title: "" } }, ({results}) => { console.log(`${results.length} HITs were found`); console.table(results); });

    And then copied that into the chrome omnibox, but it didn't do anything. Where am I supposed to enter those lines? Sorry for such noob question.