[Please Help!] Looking for some queuebicle help

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by texnguy, Mar 17, 2022.

  1. texnguy

    texnguy Turker

    Good afternoon! Has anyone had luck getting in touch with either chris or hello email accounts for help with Queuebicle? Its been 5 days with no responses. I'm trying to get help with a few items. If any of you could help in the meantime, I'd greatly appreciate it!

    ===== 1st item ======

    I'm trying to use the "CAPTCHA Browser Fingerprint" feature in QBC, but anytime I try to log in, I'm getting the error below. Is this a known issue? Any current workaround? Thank you!

    Couldn’t sign you in
    This browser or app may not be secure. Learn more
    Try using a different browser. If you’re already using a supported browser, you can try again to sign in.

    ===== 2nd item =====

    Is there a way to block HITs by title? "the task Title" and a few other HITs keep popping up with different GIDs and I want to block by title since the GIDs will change over time. There was one yesterday that QBC accepted 7+ of which were all different GIDs and none of them were desirable.

    ===== 3rd item =====

    Is there a global queue limit somewhere I can set? I may have overlooked it - I know I can set a queue cap per GID...

    ===== Thank you! =====
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2022
  2. texnguy

    texnguy Turker

  3. j0sh83

    j0sh83 Survey Slinger

    Unless your issue deals with personal information, your best bet is to always try the forums first.

    Unfortunately, no. Assuming your question is mostly in regards to using QBC to grab MLDataLabeler HITs. Your best bet is to try and set a range of Requester Watchers and Keyword Watchers. Look for posts by @Ross. I believe they were seeking the same information. They wanted to excluded a certain MLDataLabeler HIT from being grabbed. If his question happens to be in the Daily, make sure you read through to see if someone answered it.

    Also, keep in mind that MLDataLabeler posts under many RIDs. You could get creative and set a watcher higher than the "the task Title" HITs to exclude them if you figure out which MLDataLabeler posts them. Unfortunately, MLDatalabeler is one of the few requesters TV does not keep a history of HITs released since they spam so many a day.


    No. Your queue is set by Amazon to 25. If you do not use Max Project or Q-Cap, your queue will fill to 25 if there 25 available HITs for you to grab. If you are using Platform Watchers TV and YV, Max Project is automatically set to 1.
  4. texnguy

    texnguy Turker

    Thank you. Yea, I am really trying to weed out specific titles like 'draw a box" and such. Do you know if there's a workaround in QBC for the CAPTCHA Browser Fingerprint insecure browser issue?
  5. j0sh83

    j0sh83 Survey Slinger

    No, unfortunately I do not.

    I have seldom seen any discussion on it, but looking at some searches in the forum, it appears to have been brought up in February and discussion was centered around a Chromium update. Hopefully @ChrisTurk or someone who has seen this issue can chime in to give you better info.
  6. texnguy

    texnguy Turker

    I really haven't seen much in the way of support with QBC so far, which is shocking since it's a paid subscription. I got the 1 intro video about it that I watched - are you aware of any other educational resources? I'm playing with keyword watchers now but they don't seem to be doing what I thought they would do... at least not very well.
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  7. j0sh83

    j0sh83 Survey Slinger

    Not saying that you do not deserve full support for the services you have purchased, but QBC is basically a one man show and Chris wears many many hats. Unfortunately, that usually means a lot gets missed or lost in the background, especially if its a busy day filled with lots of fires to put out.

    There is actually a how-to in the works. I was told its nearly complete, but there is a major update to QBC coming soonish so the roll out of the how-to is on hold. In the meantime, there are a ton of resources here in the forums, but you do have to look. After so long, most of it tends to get buried. I would love to see all the information pulled together and stickied until the how-to is put out, but this forum is mostly an all volunteer effort, so any time spent cobbling that together is money out of someone's pocket, or time away from their families.

    @Lumius has offered to help people one-on-one with QBC (or at least he has stated that several times publicly). If you want a more one-on-one touch, reach out to him and I am sure he will be happy to help you tinker with your watchers.

    I wrote this about keyword watchers the other day. Perhaps it can help. https://forum.turkerview.com/posts/1993621/
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    Last edited: Mar 29, 2022
  8. texnguy

    texnguy Turker

    Yea, I know it's a lot to run - that's why I've had to turn to the forums. I was really hoping he had more than just himself on the support team, though. Heck, I hired someone in the Philippines to check in on my support account a couple hours a day to whittle down issues, and that only cost me $3/hr.

    I'll have to give him a shout sometime.

    I tried to do a few watchers last night, but I just couldn't grasp how they truly work. I tried to set them up with regex, too (for the transcribe name/email/address from ignite) with the panda option set, but it never actually kicked off the pandas.
  9. j0sh83

    j0sh83 Survey Slinger

    It is possible they are setup correctly, but your scraper had not seen new HITs yet to fire off the panda. Take for example this instance:

    • I just turned on QBC for the day and clearly Stephen has HITs posted. But the way scraper works is it only looks at new HITs from the time you turned it on and then updates with any newer HITs every second going forward. I am not familiar with Ignite, but if they do not post often or add HITs, scraper won't pick it up until more is added.


    • But when I add something that had already been scraped, it picked it up just fine.



    Last edited: Mar 29, 2022
  10. texnguy

    texnguy Turker

    Here's what I've got set up in my keyword watcher, and a notification that popped in. I checked the pandas tab, and I see 1 entry in there for it but it's highlighted in purple!?


  11. texnguy

    texnguy Turker

    Another (moderation of images) popped in notifications now, too, that is NOT in the pandas tab. I'm not sure why it isn't making the pandas.


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  12. j0sh83

    j0sh83 Survey Slinger

    Anything in purple, you did not have the right qualifications for. Purple can also denote you've been blocked by the requester, but I doubt that is the case here.

    I'm not familiar with Fraud Detection HITs. Are these HITs in batches? If they're not, did you previously accept this particular HIT before? If you're only meant to take one, if the HIT is set up properly, Amazon will prevent you from accepting it again. Let me know. I have an idea why the panda was created in the first place and how to prevent it going forward if my assumption is correct.
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  13. j0sh83

    j0sh83 Survey Slinger

    This is batch requester that recycles the same HIT ID.

    Did you previously catch this HIT with QBC using a panda where you set Max Project to 1?

    Check your Blocked tab. Inside this section, look for the white Watcher tab in the top right corner (sorry on phone, not able to provide screenshots). Search for their name and delete it if you see the HIT.

    Anytime you set a Max Project, QBC will create a block to prevent it from making future pandas. This works well for survey requesters as they usually pop one survey per ID. Even some batch requesters who do not recycle, you probably would have never noticed if you had accidentally set a watcher to Max Project to 1 and eventually fixed it.

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  14. j0sh83

    j0sh83 Survey Slinger

    I should add, delete sparingly from the Blocked Watchers tab. A lot of those automatic blocks are fail safes to prevent QBC from doing extra work and to help you avoid a rejection.
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  15. texnguy

    texnguy Turker

    Ah that aligns, then. It's a batch that offers bonuses, and I had reached the maximum number of bonus-giving hits for the day (I think I did 5-7 of that one earlier in the day).

    @j0sh83 It looks like after converting my watchers to using regex, it's picking them up a little better. Question, though... how do I set these things to auto manage and disable after so many hits? I tried adding a new group "Keyword Watcher" but that didn't seem to work. Should I toss them into "TV Watcher" or something other pre-defined?

    What I am really looking to do is have these watchers grab anything that matches and to try grabbing them every time they show up - I know these particular ones come in frequently and aren't limited to single completion, so I want to grab them every time... putting them in a managed group disables them after a while, but I know I can't/shouldn't run 20 pandas for them, either. Does that make sense at all? Is it doable some way?




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    Last edited: Mar 31, 2022
  16. j0sh83

    j0sh83 Survey Slinger

    I am not aware of a way to automate the on/off for a Keyword Watcher in a way that you are hoping to achieve. I suppose you can try to add them to the TV or YV group and try it out and see what happens. I think your parameters will conflict though.
  17. texnguy

    texnguy Turker

    What I noticed is that they will turn off after a short time, and quit accepting new hits. Truly I want to add a panda to continually accept certain hits, but I know I shouldn't run more than a few at a time - so I was hoping to run a watcher that would spawn a panda to accept, then turn off like normal... but accept another the next time it sees it. The TV group seems to add the group to the block list after accepting, which keeps it from grabbing more like I want. Not really sure which way to go from here.
  18. j0sh83

    j0sh83 Survey Slinger

    Sounds like maybe a feature for a future update. Until then, IDK either.
  19. Imani Lang

    Imani Lang Active Turker

    How can I find what my queue is set to?
  20. j0sh83

    j0sh83 Survey Slinger

    Not sure what you are asking without more context.

    If you are asking about the 25 from my reply? That is set by Amazon. You are capped to 25 HITs allowed in your queue at any given time. I have heard that Masters get an extra, but I do not have Masters, so can't confirm.

    If you are asking about a Q-Cap from @texnguy's questions, you set this parameter in whatever Watcher you have set up...


    ... or if you are creating a manual panada, you can set it there.


    If you are doing survey's, you don't need to worry about Q-Cap. Max Project 1 is better to control your Watchers for your favorite survey requesters, as these requesters will typically only put out one HIT per survey. You could also forego the Max 1 if your favorite requesters don't have issues setting up their HITs, but it is better to set it, as QBC will create a block to keep it from trying to create another panda.

    If you are doing batches, you may want to use Q-Cap, but I would argue that you should use it sparingly. For example, if the HITs in the batch have short timers and filling up your queue with 25 is going to cause most of those to expire, you may want to use Q-Cap to limit how many QBC will grab.

    You would also want to make sure the batch is fat with HITs before using a Q-Cap. For example, if you set the cap in your Watcher at 10 HITs, but you could realistically squeeze out 15 HITs before the HITs in your queue start to expire, you could be limiting your potential when the batch thins out. You need to adjust and experiment with it to see what works for you. I personally do not set Q-Cap for any Watcher anymore. I may add the parameter in the Panda Manager on an active panda once I see how fast I am going. You can click in the field to change it.

    Last edited: Apr 3, 2022