Need your opinion re this Rejection please

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Support' started by TJet, Nov 14, 2019.

  1. TJet

    TJet Turker

    I did this survey "Answer a survey about consumer choice" yesterday, and today saw it marked Rejection. Argh!! Contacted Requester this morn (I believe she is new, can't find any reviews in TO or TV). Her reply to me seems odd -- if she can't find the code I provided, why was I rejected? I timed out of one survey yesterday, which I think may have been hers, so wouldn't that be Abandoned? I sent her an email asking her as nicely as possible what caused the rejection, and this is her reply:

    I have double checked again for you but the survey code you have provided (62857) does not correspond to any survey.
    This could be due the fact that the survey code was copied and pasted into MTurk but the window which contained the survey was closed right after (without clicking the 'next button) and therefore no survey result was recorded.

    I understand that this could have been a mistake but if I cannot match a survey code with a survey response I always have to assume that the survey was not completed.

    Kind regards,

    I'm new and in learning mode -- so your comments, advice, tips, etc will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!
  2. purplepotato

    purplepotato Lavender Spudkin

    I don't think that's an odd response. Basically what she's saying is that your survey data did not go through for some reason. Her guess is that you didn't click the final arrow to advance to the last page of the survey after copying the code, which does happen from time to time so that's a reasonable guess. So, when she says she can't find the code, she means she doesn't have survey answers that match the code you used to submit the hit. You might also have copied a partial code, or pasted in a code from a different survey, or it could just be a glitch. You could try to offer to take the survey again in exchange for a reversal. Ask if she will send you the survey link via email, then reverse once she has your data - if you're willing to do the work twice that is. She may also be able to find your response by worker ID, but I think that's dependent on what survey software she's using maybe?
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  3. TJet

    TJet Turker

    Thank you for replying! So very appreciated -- will try your suggestion in my reply to her.

    Re the possible cause you noted can I run the following by you? What I have been doing: at end of surveys I copy the code in last page, go to the HIT submit page, paste in field, and click submit. Then I go back to the last page of survey and either close tab, if there is not an arrow to advance to a Thank You page, or if there is an arrow, I click that and then close tab.

    If my sequencing is wrong or off, please correct me! :)
  4. purplepotato

    purplepotato Lavender Spudkin

    No problem! And yeah, that's the way to do it. Always best to copy/paste/submit before advancing or closing the survey in case the copy doesn't work for whatever reason. Also consider leaving a review for this hit to let others know that you were rejected, but the requester has been communicative so far. You can update the review if she does/doesn't allow you to retake it. You can only review hits for 4 days after you complete them.
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  5. TJet

    TJet Turker


    Thanks for your followup advice. I did what you suggested, so we'll see. It would be nice to have that Rejection go away....

    Will definitely do a review tomorrow!