11/28 - Thank You Thanksgiving Thursday

Discussion in 'Daily mTurk HITs Threads' started by ChrisTurk, Nov 28, 2019.

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  1. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator


    This thread doesn't get nearly the love it deserves, but for those unaware @humbleturker is THE man with this kinda stuff (hey dude, thank you for that).

    For some light study reading that (sadly) didn't use MTurk you can find the original study here: https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/images/application_uploads/Emmons-CountingBlessings.pdf

    I've shilled it for years (literally) & it's my jam but I've definitely sucked at it lately so enjoy my Turkey Day Turker Thank You run down. I have 1.5hrs until the daily is due to post, in no particular order & pre-asking for forgiveness for anyone I specifically miss:

    First: thank you to seriously everyone here & not here. My daughter was born a few weeks ago, and I've gotten to spend a selfish amount of time with her & Momma because of the ridiculous support of this place. It's wildly meaningful to me to be able to do that b/c I didn't get it growing up so dead serious: thank you. Whether financial, page views, or just hanging out here or hell just Turking every day submitting HITs keeps MTurk churning and TV doesn't really exist without it. It's a neat ecosystem and cool to be able to be a part of so much love to everyone who keeps it going (including the folks who take way too much flak for no damn good reason for working there mturk staff). I 100% cannot tag every single person (though I will try) so everyone gets included here for good measure :)

    @jessers thank you for volunteering my dumb ass to build a forum. @Randomacts sorry I chose XenForo and not discourse but thanks for putting up with it anyway :emoji_joy:

    @NBadger thank you for continually coming back to provide your RIDICULOUS amount of expertise that is unimaginably difficult to find in the world. But also, y'know that other DM.. just saying :emoji_sweat_smile:

    @ThisPoorGuy @gurlondrums @SamAnt @Trickydude24 @hvnnvr @HarryHood ditto but more technical bits & flips and oh hey the server is on fire trying to save the draft of this post help

    @CorvusSapiens thank you for being possibly the most positive, helpful person I haven't yet thrown into the @Black Order group.. yet

    @THFYM you're my internet brother. I really do appreciate you right up until you dox me and/or leave for bigger & better (paying) things. You'll be forgiven if - and only if - one swift shin kick is delivered prior to fleeing the country.

    @A6_Foul_Out your continual level headed pushback on the expanding collection efforts is actually indeed appreciated (I mean plus the friendship thing, but y'know important stuff first). For anyone who is a "pro" turker you should seriously thank him your experience isn't 100x worse every day because without him it would be.

    @Black Order thank you for still logging in.. y'know the ones of you who do :p

    @leafs4_cup @GreenMachine842 I appreciate you both being good role models for turk-at-home-dads. I am not good at work-life balance & I really do take to heart the very small glimpse I get into your daily lives w/ the mini-yous.

    @Masterbah I appreciate your 10 page DM. I am, objectively, super bad at message flow management but I do indeed have it pinned to 3 tabs right now and am using it to seriously crush some work today. You wont get to see that for another week but that's the poop machine's fault.

    @rater9 I both appreciate & miss the amazingly positive impact you've had on my language around the forum. I'm wildly in awe of your work ethic & just enthusiasm for life & have been since MTG days.

    @dan I'm really thankful for your impact in the opposite direction. :emoji_poop: lives on thanks to you. Also seriously thank you for calling me "ethical" the other day. I'm not. Passionate, hard-working, whatever maybe but I sadly don't live up to that billing but appreciate the sentiment.

    @SAJ I both appreciate & respect, on a real personal level, the shit out of your life story and however you got here despite whoever you internet murdered to do it. I'll hit you in DMs one day but it's a real impact & I'm so glad I listened to the 8,537 people who told me to ban you on sight.

    @Random Jobber dude thank you for using TV to help an untold amount of other people trying to make a couple bucks / a living / more than $0.97/hr. I receive more direct message/emails/see more posts specifically about your contributions than I could ever hope to count. I've been working on MTurk for more than 3 years now, sustained contributions to that level are legitimately rarefied air. @jessers or anyone from MTG will tell you about a guy who will always have a special place in a lot of our brainspaces because of it. It's super weird, kinda neat, in someone else's life story you're a hero of sorts and I'm legitimately not like exaggerating about that. Kinda hit on @CorvusSapiens in this same category

    @lefty I'm not sure if you still Turk nowadays but I both appreciate and miss your community contributions here. I've not met many folks like you, and as someone who actually enjoys the diverse community mturk offers I've enjoyed learning some things from you back in the good old days (including the fragile nature of crock pots :emoji_joy: )

    2:00AM, down to an hour, yikes.

    @Kadauchi you probably deserve higher on the list but I'm typing on the fly, but thank you for being both an inspiration for me to take this work seriously (I still have that reddit thread bookmarked) and unarguably the most prolific (but ur prolific extension sux) contributor to the ecosystem at large long before I showed up and, good lord willing, long after the rest of us have kicked the bucket. Look forward to continuing to chase your tailcoats into 2020 :emoji_sunglasses:

    @MissRiss Lach (similar folks I don't want to tag for privacy) thank you for dropping in however maybe briefly to chit chat, share your perspectives as the sekreit super turkers, etc. I don't go about daily development work without attempting to keep your perspectives in account.

    @AlexZ @AMindAtTurk @Ana* @angel @Audbal @BadPanda @BlueMountainBacon @Bob W @Buntastic @Business Cat @CassiChaos @Charlie Turksalot @chasm @cheyenne @coffeeowl @CorvusSapiens @dan @DareAngel3 @Dirked @FletcherFace @Gerbilreaper @GhostOfYou @Girl Polar Bear @GreenMachine842 @gurlondrums @HardWorkingTurker @Hatticus @heatfan @Hummingbirdee @IcyTundra @InfiniteChanges @Janya @Jenni @jessers @jessica93 @Jessie @johnxyz @Jr Young @Kayashi @L Lemon @laby @leafs4_cup @ligerpants @Masterbah @Mecca @MechaTurk @moonshay76 @morweeg @Mothra @mrnotoriousman @MrTrentSD @NBadger @Ornac @PeachyRider @Penelope @Pronewbi3 @purplepotato @PurpleWolf @Random Jobber @Random Turker @Randomacts @Razr @redsfan33 @rippy @SAJ @SaltwaterSoul @sarin @Saturnina @SirKiwiTheBrave @slothbear @Soul @Squatcobbler @Srndpty @SunlitSunflower @t0nja @TebbyTustard @TheNerdyAnarchist @THFYM @ThisPoorGuy @Tiger33 @Tracy Wethington @tricker @Tripsa @Trucker @whatevershay @WimpLo @WoodsmanWalker @Yuk @Zorseshoes - thank you for finagling, futzing, etc your avatars to participate in the community. Y'all may or may not realize this but for everyone who makes a post there are 10 real humans (and probably a cyborg or two) reading and taking some enjoyment in their day from our shenanigans. This especially goes for folks like @Hummingbirdee @tricker and (god bless her) @Hatticus who share way too much of their daily lives with us all, folks do connect & appreciate you guys. I get DMs, emails, etc about it. When anyone takes a few days off, vacation, etc I hear about it. So let me share some of that gratitude/etc back with y'all here, beyond all the direct impact of TV submissions/etc there are folks here (myself included) who appreciate you sharing your lives/humor/etc with them. The forum badges/avatar games are just the easy way to ID that haha.

    @aveline thank you for stepping up. Not a lot of people do. An incredibly small # of people do. People appreciate the shit out of you I guarantee it.

    @kryss thank you for your early support/ear/etc here. Ditto for Ave but really you made it easier to start this place. Make me repay the favor some day.

    @Tjololo lol dude you run /r/mturk I think a thank you for keeping sane is in order. Similar to the MASSIVE list above though man people freaking love your holiday gaffs & gaws. Again, I get the messages/posts about it and it's appreciated that people are involved in the day to day stuff.

    @morweeg thank you for upgrading to 144hz. Also for being Queen of the Sourpuss. And really for being a friend. I don't reply to every message because some I'd look bad if you screenshotted me responding but damn do I giggle a lot.

    @sarin thank you for your crazy quotable tweets.

    @redsfan33 thank you for challenging me in a way zero people have in the past. I occasionally get told I'm an admin of a forum because of a power trip, so I recognize the big kahunas it takes to say some things you said, I respect it, and thank you. I, personally, believe conflict is one of the most essential paths to growth in life/community/teamwork and I have zero problems with it & hope you're comfortable w/ it in the future if it's necessary.

    @Tyler Burleigh I doubt you still log in here but your work with MTurk and contributions are wildly appreciated both by me on a personal level and by a LOT of people in this community who rely on it. If you happen to log in I hope you see you're a part of a HUGE ecosystem of folks & a lot of what you've done & said outside of this particular community has huge impact here. @Kariyushi Rao similar thanks to you. I follow the oTree group occasionally, you're both awesome & I speak incredibly highly of you both any opportunity I get.

    @Hummingbirdee yea you're probably unquestionably the largest social contributor per the history of this place, and as has been mentioned people other than me appreciate those kinds of contributions more than I can properly convey, but thank you (from me) for keeping me connected to my youth. Occasionally I feel old as poop and I can't express how nice it is to have someone who "went through it" with me here. Similarly @THFYM from the occasional Fraternity shenanigan chats haha.

    @PeachyRider @Kayashi @EssArrBee thank you for the sports chatter so I can feel just a bit more manly after making a whining thank you post like this. @A6_Foul_Out too but we both take an L on supporting Qing James. @SAJ eat :emoji_poop: in this category

    @the numerous people who DM and don't want to be included in this: thank you. Yes, that's generic, but each of you tend to DM for a variety of reasons (social: omg thank you for the baby/pregnancy recommendations, professional: I touched on this in the Riss tag ctrl+f it I know you're qualified to do so and I only have 16 minutes left) but I want to say thanks even though I know you don't want me to tag you individually.

    @turk_it thank you for making 2/3 custom gifs I was gonna give you the special badge on the 3rd but you and MANY others ( @glossolalia @Trickydude24 @Ethraiel @theladywhogotmarried&quit) are insanely sorely missed

    @Buzby see above. Thank you.

    @Yuk lol dude thank you for still loading this site for w/e reason.

    @Naria DMs, tags, posts, I cannot thank you enough for the free lending of your brain. It's changed other people's daily work and my own for the better. I have no clue how to give that back but like @NBadger & everyone else let me know how best to & I'm on it man.

    @DarkChild see above. Especially the last 2 messages like, you're probably not aware of the excellent timing and absurdity of the impact but it's actually huge. Let alone the amount of knowledge share you've given to other folks through here in the past and the positive way you've gone about it, thank you. It's consistently been a well timed contribution for me.

    @jim718181 similar to above though (for me) more humorous.

    @PurpleWolf ok go read @DarkChild 's tag 2 above and then an extra special thank you for doing it on 2x sites. And like @A6_Foul_Out just the impact of your social network to this place, my life, this is why these gratitude journals are so freaking awesome so thank you (x3, all of you).

    @humbleturker thank you for your continued looking out in this area.

    @TSolo315 idk if you log in here but thank you for (similar to ave/etc) being that step up guy. Idk the ins/outs everywhere & couldn't hope to cover everything so thank you for being a part of the larger ecosystem coverage net.

    @Bergen no clue why but a ton of your sporadic post ratings are well timed & I appreciate them. I throw out LOLs like candy, some folks when you get a thumbs up / etc from it's a nice surprise and your name popping up is always in that category. Ditto a small handful of folks who never post but very occasionally "rate" posts I wont embarrass w/ a tag :)

    @ceedj yea man, no clue if you're still around, but thank you.

    @Fester thank you for the feedback/etc between here/TO. It's actually done a lot as far as guidance/direction goes for this place, especially from a perspective I can't generally get and is hard to process sometimes. I appreciate it & want to throw a special thanks out for it.

    Crap it's 2:59

    @Jagdpanzer thank you for all the time/feedback/etc you spent on MTG/here in the earlier days.

    @everyone I'm so incredibly sorry I didn't have more time to hit @ on folks. The beauty is everyone deserves better and hopefully everyone keeps us all (me esp) busting butt to make it happen

    We're on to 2020.

    • Love Love x 96
    • Like Like x 3
    • 5/5 Pay 5/5 Pay x 1
    • WOW WOW x 1
  2. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    Also Tom is cooked (RIP) & holy hell there are SO MANY PEOPLE here. I was typing like a madman trying to hit everyone & didn't even get 1/10th covered haha. This was fun, terribly written but @NBadger can fix it :dunno:
    • LOL LOL x 4
    • Love Love x 3
    • Nom Nom Nom! Nom Nom Nom! x 2
  3. Masterbah

    Masterbah Survey Slinger

    We wouldn't want it any other way.

    Thanks to @everyone for making the day go way faster than it should. First time I feel somewhat comfortable in a community. You guys are really fun. (I'm not gonna tag everyone because I'm not CT and I won't remember half of you, but thanks to everyone who pop in every day/week to shiptoast with us!)

    @ChrisTurk Thank you for all your hard work. I always hate bothering you, because in my mind, being the admin of the place, you're an important person with responsibilities, so it's always great when you take the time for us. Now, knowing you're working on my 10page DM, I'll have to add another page on there tomorrow! :flail:May you and your family have all you need and may you kick all the shins that need a good kickin'!
    • Love Love x 10
    • Like Like x 1
  4. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    @Hatticus :emoji_joy::emoji_joy::emoji_joy::emoji_joy::emoji_joy::emoji_joy:
    • LOL LOL x 1
  5. Masterbah

    Masterbah Survey Slinger

    Hey, anyone with the power to ban me is an important person!
    • LOL LOL x 1
  6. GreenMachine842

    GreenMachine842 Moderator (⌐■_■)

    • LOL LOL x 5
  7. turker

    turker Survey Slinger

    Title: Romantic Relationships: Beliefs and Judgements(~ 10 minutes) | Accept
    Requester: Kiara [A3SPMGCYDHDDXG] Contact
    TV: [Hrly=$20.54] [Pay=Generous] [Approval=~24 hrs] [Comm=Unrated] [Rej=0] [Blk=0]
    TO: No Reviews
    TO2: No Reviews
    Reward: 1.30
    Duration: 30:00
    Available: 57
    Description: Participants in this study should be over 18 years of age. In this study, you wil be asked to respond to a series of items assessing your attitudes on gender and romantic relationships. You will also be asked to read a scenario that may or may not depict an abusive relationship. After reading the scenario you will be presented with series of items assessing your judgements of the relationship depicted in the scenario you read. Please be aware that in addition to potentially reading a scenario about an abusive relationship, several of the items presented to all participants will ask questions dealing with an abusive relationship and you should not participate if you feel that any of the topics listed may cause you undue distress. If you or someone you know needs help, please a contact helpline. Participation in this study should take approximately 10 minutes.
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95; Exc: [181724-181135] DoesNotExist ; Location In US
    HIT exported from Mturk Suite v2.6.13

  8. Yuk

    Yuk Zing King

    Hey man, it's a good forum w/ a good community. It's probably the only reason I'm still sane after all these years tbh
    Besides I know it's useful to have someone that's ancient stick around and be active for useless tidbits
    like saying bad things about TN

    Thanks for creating this awesome place
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone
    • Love Love x 8
    • LOL LOL x 1
  9. eL pAtRon

    eL pAtRon Active Turker


    Have a wonderful day everyone~
    • Love Love x 3
  10. lockerom14

    lockerom14 Active Turker

    Poor Tom. Until we meat again.
    • LOL LOL x 4
    • Nom Nom Nom! Nom Nom Nom! x 2
  11. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    • LOL LOL x 2
  12. Kayashi

    Kayashi Titler

    @ChrisTurk, I don't care what everybody else says about you. you're a good dude.
    • LOL LOL x 6
  13. A6_Foul_Out

    A6_Foul_Out Organic Meme Panda TurkerView Masters

  14. HardWorkingTurker

    HardWorkingTurker Survey Slinger

    Title: Romantic Relationships: Beliefs and Judgements(~ 10 minutes) | PANDA
    Requester: Kiara [A3SPMGCYDHDDXG]
    TurkerView: [ $19.99 / hour ]
    Description: Participants in this study should be over 18 years of age. In this study, you wil be asked to respond to a series of items assessing your attitudes on gender and romantic relationships. You will also be asked to read a scenario that may or may not depict an abusive relationship. After reading the scenario you will be presented with series of items assessing your judgements of the relationship depicted in the scenario you read. Please be aware that in addition to potentially reading a scenario about an abusive relationship, several of the items presented to all participants will ask questions dealing with an abusive relationship and you should not participate if you feel that any of the topics listed may cause you undue distress. If you or someone you know needs help, please a contact helpline. Participation in this study should take approximately 10 minutes.
    Duration: 30 Min
    Available: 56
    Reward: $1.30
    • Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100,
    • HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95,
    • Exc: [181724-181135] DoesNotExist
    • Location In US,
  15. HardWorkingTurker

    HardWorkingTurker Survey Slinger

  16. sarin

    sarin Well-Known Turker TurkerView Masters

    this is the most effort i've seen someone put into farming love ratings yet smh

    fr though i'm super grateful for the platform that @ChrisTurk created and maintained for mturk, and i wouldn't know what to do without TV in the first place

    love you CT (no homo)
    • LOL LOL x 8
    • Love Love x 3
    • Nom Nom Nom! Nom Nom Nom! x 1
  17. HardWorkingTurker

    HardWorkingTurker Survey Slinger

  18. Tecnique

    Tecnique Survey Slinger

  19. A6_Foul_Out

    A6_Foul_Out Organic Meme Panda TurkerView Masters



    • Love Love x 1
    • WOW WOW x 1
  20. turker

    turker Survey Slinger

    Title: Short reading/writing assignments (FACW 45) | Accept
    Requester: The Choice Lab [A18FWM3BGZIW4S] Contact
    TV: [Hrly=$28.14] [Pay=Generous] [Approval=~24 hrs] [Comm=Unrated] [Rej=0] [Blk=0]
    TO: [Pay=4.29] [Fast=4.78] [Comm=4.29] [Fair=4.80] [Reviews=270] [ToS=0]
    TO2: No Reviews
    Reward: 1.00
    Duration: 1:00:00
    Available: 1
    Description: Transcribing strings of text for a few minutes.
    Qualifications: fa_10 DoesNotExist ; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThan 98; Location EqualTo US
    HIT exported from Mturk Suite v2.6.13
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