SurveyComet CR#1 and CR #2 quals

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by BlueShadow, Mar 5, 2021.

  1. BloominMeg

    BloominMeg Survey Slinger

    I'm glad this thread exists now, cause I've had the Group 2 qual since last July. I'm over 24k HITs, so still pretty 'new', but still in the 99% approval rate.

    Also, I had emailed Cloud Research about it, asking if there was a way to change the qual. Their response?
    "Researchers who use our system to run studies often set qualifications to determine eligibility for each particular study according to its specifications. These qualifications are based on many factors, including past performance, responses to earlier HITs, and specific demographic criteria. In these cases, workers who do not meet the measurements for these requirements will receive messages similar to the ones you have been receiving upon attempting to accept those HITs.

    Unfortunately, there is no way for us to grant you access to these HITs if you are not meeting the correct qualifications. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes."
  2. Jane Doe

    Jane Doe Survey Slinger

    I don't think this necessarily needs to be a "we", but each person who has been affected by this needs to report it.
    One requester giving a qual that blocks us from so many other requesters...? One requester should not have that power.
    Just report SurveyComet to Amazon and see where it goes from there.
  3. ThatsRude

    ThatsRude Turker

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  4. DareAngel3

    DareAngel3 Well-Known Turker TurkerView Masters

    ^^ this.

    I was under the impression that the "other requesters" choose to use SurveyComet(?)'s services. Just like some requesters choose to make their HITs Masters only. Pre-vetted workers might be a selling point to them. They may be blissfully unaware that quals don't necessarily equal quality.

    To be clear, I dont have a leg in this race, I just got caught up in the "what exactly is the problem here?" :emoji_joy::emoji_popcorn:
  5. Jane Doe

    Jane Doe Survey Slinger

    I wasn't aware that requesters were allowed to sell services that work around the MTurk system.
    This is why people need to report this and get it sorted. Screwing MTurk's workers with good approval rating can't be good for the platform.
    Hope you guys who don't have this block never experience it.
  6. johnxyz

    johnxyz Well-Known Turker TurkerView Masters

    I have neither CR 1 nor 2 and I don't qual for this.
    I don't meet the following:
    SurveyGroup [4711] has not been granted
    Exc: [269959-269370] has not been granted
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  7. Chaidreamer

    Chaidreamer Turker

    Is that kind of what Kirk does? He reaches out independently to requesters to try to better help them understand the system and the quals they set up. If I wished to see anything change, it would be Amazon clarifying to their requester base in a writeup somewhere that CR offers a certain method of qualifying workers, but that it may change their demographics and leave out qualified workers who didn't meet CR's standards. That might get more info out to requesters rather than independently reaching out one by one.
  8. test ing

    test ing Survey Slinger

    We need the pudding... The proof is in the pudding :emoji_sweat_smile:

    If we don't define a wrong doing, a blind report will be discarded by Amazon as a meritless rant faster than you can write it. If we can not come up with an understanding of what is being done wrong, there will simply be no result. Will not matter if everyone on mturk complains, if it's within terms it's not wrong. We might not like it, but it's not wrong.
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  9. Jane Doe

    Jane Doe Survey Slinger

    There you go again with "we".
    Do you have this problem? Handle it as you choose.
    Is a requester issuing a qual that blocks you from working for dozens, maybe hundreds of other requesters a "blind report"?

    All I'm saying is that if you're being blocked from a lot of work by different requesters because of a qual given to you by SurveyComet, it wouldn't be a bad idea to ask MTurk WTF is going on. This isn't an isolated incident.
  10. ThatsRude

    ThatsRude Turker

    So those are two other quals given for completing...something. One or both of them may be related to completing the survey in question, though I can't give a more definitive answer until I'm off mobile and can more thoroughly dig through my qual list and completed hit tracker to see if they match up. When I was on my computer earlier MTS had flagged that survey as completed, but today I no longer qualify because of CR1 and the two you listed there.
  11. selka879

    selka879 Active Turker

    I had the block qual for 5 months later I was able to take the HIT again and finally got my CR1 qual.
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    Last edited: Mar 5, 2021
  12. ThatsRude

    ThatsRude Turker

    So it does look like the two that are excluding you are both given for completing that survey once. They were both granted to me the day hit tracker says I took the survey.

  13. test ing

    test ing Survey Slinger

    Excuse me for trying to be polite and giving good suggestions that may lead to you forming a substantiated argument. Rather then constantly asking people to go in support and "report" like you are doing. If no rules are being violated, you're going to have to swallow the pill.

    If you want to be realistic, you either find in the TOS what is being violated, or you waste your own time. But no point in telling me to handle it as I choose when you are constantly telling people to report them.

    Good luck to you.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2021
  14. Jane Doe

    Jane Doe Survey Slinger

    Wow. I prefer one acts on their own instead of needing a "so say we all" attitude to act as a group.
    Not sure why this bothers you.
  15. test ing

    test ing Survey Slinger

    The hypocrisy is pure comedy. :emoji_joy: So for me "we" isn't allowed, but for you "our" and "us" is allowed.

    You tell me to act on my own, yet you want everyone to do what you personally did and report them?

    Sorry, as I said before, for the 4th time, meritless claims will go no where. Especially on amazon.

    You solve problems with strategies, not emotions.

    Imagine taking the time to read the tos, and figure out whether you have a valid point or not.

    Please continue focusing on the wrong goalpost, because the point remains. Are they violating the tos? If they are not, then the report is meritless. You've already stated in another thread that if everyone reports them, amazon will take notice. I'm just trying to politely inform you that you are highly confused.

    Spend less energy asking random people to report requesters and spend more time focusing on if they are violating the tos. At the end of the day, mturk is a privilege and you're not entitled to qualify for everything. If you feel a requester is doing something wrong, remove the feelings and stick with the facts.
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    Last edited: Mar 6, 2021
  16. Jane Doe

    Jane Doe Survey Slinger

    I'm suggesting that turkers who have been damaged by SurveyComet "qual" blocks let MTurk know this is occurring. It's entirely possible they don't realize exactly what's happening, or the extent of the damage it's doing to workers as well as the structure of their platform. Each individual should contact them and explain honestly and to the best of their ability how they got the "qual" block, and how many requesters are using this to mindlessly block workers just to skirt the system and avoid MTurk fees. Let Amazon figure out the rest.

    Why are you so angry about this?
    I have to ask... you aren't with SurveyComet / CloudResearch, are you? :emoji_smiley:
    • Yikes Yikes x 3
  17. test ing

    test ing Survey Slinger

    And I'm suggesting you find what part of the terms they are violating to form a cohesive argument. It's entirely possible they realize exactly what's going on and no part of the tos is being broken, and that they could care less about this so called "damage" because you consider it "damage" and they consider it finding the "proper demographic".

    When I said we should figure out what is being done wrong you became super defensive and unwilling to cooperate. Almost as if you want someone else to solve the problem. You can't sit here and type "structure of their platform" while simultaneously refusing to read the terms and state things like "Let amazon figure out the rest".

    I'm simply trying to motivate you to apply competence to your reasoning and come up with a strategy on who is at what fault. Rather than throwing out generalized blanket statements while preaching about mass reporting.

    I can only wonder how many innocent people get blocked versus how many people who lie on demographics, speed through surveys, and miss attention checks get blocked.

    There's no point in me trying to provide constructive criticism. You can't accept genuine help and come back with troll responses. Never thought I'd have to block/ignore someone in this community. Good luck:emoji_v:
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    Last edited: Mar 6, 2021
  18. Jane Doe

    Jane Doe Survey Slinger

    Oh, so you're angry because your account was disabled. I get it.
    • Yikes Yikes x 3
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    Last edited: Mar 6, 2021
  19. sarin

    sarin Well-Known Turker TurkerView Masters

    imagine if the real reason OP and others ate CR qual #2 was because they deserved it for submitting low quality data

    you are not entitled to CR qual #1 unless if you qualify for it like everyone else with the qual has done in the past, whether it was completing CR affiliated surveys before the system was implemented, or taking the recent 4 minute survey from surveycomet/studylab that determines whether or not you deserve CR qual #1. this is no different from receiving closed qualifications to work on private, well-paying batches, where you complete qualification tasks to determine if your data is good enough for the requester giving out said batches. vetted worker pools and blocklists of workers through quals/disquals are what cloudresearch and thousands of other requesters are using, which makes the claim of them 'working around the mturk system' complete trash since qualifications are what mturk gives you to control what workers can work for you

    if you truly ate CR qual #2 for a bogus reason, then it is fine to contact cloudresearch through their associated emails, but escalating to amazon and especially asking daddy @ChrisTurk to report to amazon on your behalf is insane. what cloudresearch is doing is again no different from disqualifying potentially bad workers from working on their HITs, and if it works for them then they have all the reason to continue doing so.
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    Last edited: Mar 6, 2021
  20. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    Idk who did this & don't want to read all this but everyone should know I'm the biggest turkprime shill on the planet. The idea that turkprime is somehow bad is silly. Of all the many evils hanging about they're on the bottom of the list. Not perfect, but ultimately most researchers wouldn't bother even using mturk if TP didn't exist lol.
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