Hello, I am new to MTurk and I've read and followed TheMightyOx's 101 guide but I'm still quite confused. I've downloaded and installed...
Can someone give me a little guide of how scripts work and how can i use them?
I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I'm using Panda Crazy Search and I have about 15 search terms running. I got about 2000 PREs in less...
Good evening everyone, Today I started using the Panda Crazy Script, and after a few hours of using the error message shown in the image below....
I'm using Google Chrome and I've been trying to mess with this one HIT for ages, and I can't seem to access the Shadow DOM using methods I've...
I have never been able to review. It gives me "Reason: <empty> Please contact us for more details" but when I contact no one replies or fixes the...
Hello, I developed a simple userscript that displays the progress you've made in a Qualtric's survey, even if the progress bar is disabled. Do be...
Hi everyone!! :emoji_wink: Ive started back Turking the past couple of weeks and I can net only about $25-$40/week and Im using scripts like...
Looking at the TVJS script, I'm unable to pull up any HITs that were submitted more than 4 days ago. Is there any way to increase the date range...
Hi! What Script do you use for keeping track of expected and paid bonuses? I can use excel and the emailed bonus payment notices if I have to,...
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/38977-worker-mturk-qual-sorter Patched and Revamped Qual Sorter.
[IMG] This small add-on to Overwatch adds PandaCrazy buttons on each new HIT. Code is only five lines, but it's critical to ensure the code goes...
Here's a quick script for the RoofTyper HITs if they come back. If it isn't working, send me a message and I'll try to update it! 1-3 for roof...
I don't tend to do the 0.01s, as the PRE's tend not to be worth it for me. But if you like them, maybe this will help. 1-5 select the RIGHT side,...
Really simple, feel free to break it down and use it however you like. Includes a sanity check, so it should ONLY work on this particular HIT....
Here's the Master Script. // ==UserScript== // @name @Mshared - Peter - Find the first names and usernames of Instagram users //...
Separate names with a comma.