2 Questions Please

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by Jallenlog, Dec 10, 2019.

  1. Jallenlog

    Jallenlog New Turker

    I am new and have a limited amount of hits available to me.

    Are there certain hits that I can do to get my Hit Approval Rate up?

    Is there a way to filter the Hit Approval Rate besides hovering over the preview link?

  2. purplepotato

    purplepotato Lavender Spudkin

    You'll want to keep your approval rate as high as possible, ideally 99%. Focus on familiarizing yourself with the scripts you're using, making good use of requester approval stats and reviews on TV to avoid rejections, and mostly figuring out what type of hits work best for you. You'll find requesters you trust and like to work for that way, and as you'll build experience with the platform while getting numbers up to boost your approval rate.

    I don't know of any way to filter requester approval rate, sorry.
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  3. Gerbilreaper

    Gerbilreaper Active Turker

    First off, welcome to the forums. As for your questions:

    1. Early on in your Mturk career, your approval rate is your most precious treasure. At a few hundred hits or less all it takes is a few rejections to tank your account and make it near impossible to find good work. You're here, so I assume you've installed Turkerview. That's a good start. At this level I would simply not do any work for any requester that has reported rejections. Check every hit you take. It's tedious, but it'll save you pain later. You can't risk it as a new worker. Other than that, make sure you return obviously broken hits as well as hits where you can't remember attention check questions and generally any hit that makes you feel like you cant be 100% certain you did the job right. As you get more hits under your belt you'll be able to relax a bit but early on it isn't worth it. Be paranoid. You'll also want to avoid doing too many hits for one person before proof that they accept. Do a few, wait for approval, and if they approve you can do more work for them later. A nice batch of 30 means nothing if it all rejects and your account dies.

    2. You can filter out ratings in some of the PANDA scripts. MTS for example lets you filter out low TO ranks. HOWEVER, you shouldn't as this will cut out requesters who are simply new and are otherwise perfectly safe to work for. I made that mistake for a long time and it hurt my bottom line. You're much better off just sorting through them and blocking the obviously bad ones as you go so they dont show up anymore. Pretty much the second I see a reject happy requester they go on my block list and I never see their work again.

    BONUS TIP: Swing by the daily thread here on the forums. Thats where most of us hang out and most people there are happy to answer additional questions or help out new folks like yourself.

    BONUS BONUS TIP: Keep up with Qualifications. We have a great tool for that here: https://turkerview.com/qualifeye/
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