20 days late or so

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by DeckersLLC, Aug 18, 2020.

  1. DeckersLLC

    DeckersLLC Turker

    Hello, everyone! I've been lurking about for going on 3 weeks now and started perusing the social threads to gush about QBC. I guess it's nothing new to the veterans here so I'll skip that.

    My name's Logan! I'm a 30-year-old navy vet (one 6-year stint) born and raised among the corn fields of Indiana. Did the navy in San Diego (when not in the Arabian gulf on deployment) and hated it so I got out in 2015, inspected boilers in Kentucky for a few years, now I'm back home sitting on ass in a boiler plant for a VA hospital. During my 3rd-shift schedule I like to piss off AT&T by using my tethered cell phone to turk!

    I played with mTurk a couple of years ago, did a few receipts, got annoyed with the chump change, and gave it up. It wasn't until I picked it up again that I realized there was an entire community, a whole suite of tools to up my game, or that I'd be sitting on a couple hundred bucks after doing this a couple hours each day for only a few weeks.

    In fact, on that note, I'll take my welcome thread and use it to say a special thank you to every single person here. YOU are the community, YOU are the reason that this site exists, and because of this site and community, turkers everywhere can enjoy a source of information, help, social connection, tools of the trade, and so much more. Thank you for being a part of this awesome community, for building the community to what it is, and for sharing it with the world and newbies like me.

    As @ChrisTurk is well aware by now, I get long winded in posts and messages, so I'll cut it here. Looking forward to "seeing" everyone around.
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    Last edited: Aug 18, 2020
  2. purplepotato

    purplepotato Lavender Spudkin

    Welcome! Hope to see you around the daily threads, don't hesitate to join in the conversation there :)
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  3. purplepotato

    purplepotato Lavender Spudkin

    Welcome! Hope to see you around the daily threads, don't hesitate to join in the conversation there :)
    • Love Love x 2
  4. DeckersLLC

    DeckersLLC Turker

    The navy GIF is more relevant than ever here. :emoji_joy:
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  5. IcyTundra

    IcyTundra Tundra Thundra

    Hi Logan from another Midwesterner.

    (I'm from Michigan <live in Maine> but most of my family lives in Wisconsin, Indy, Ohio, etc.)

    Thank you for your service. <3

    We JUST got some tiny sweet corn here in Maine (which is nothing like the Midwest) but I'm imagining you guys are throwing some cobs on the bbq about now :)

    Look forward to seeing you on the daily!
