The algorithm we use for accuracy etc is likely to give us approximately top 20% qualifying after having taken this test. We repeat, like we have stated in the instructions, we approve everyone who takes qualification tests. Our algorithm determines based on their performance on the test, who gets the qualification - that's why they are termed as qualification tests. Hope that clarifies.
@Akin I sent a pm to you about a problem with submission. Please advise at your earliest convenience. Thank you!!! rater9
I understand what a qualification test is, silly. I was just wondering about the two different ways the threshold for getting the qual was expressed.
Thank you for PMing us. Some of the HITs are still available. Am not sure how a submission can be resubmitted. Perhaps, fellow Turkers can advise?
We will get to assigning qualifications in a few hours.Until we automate that process, you are going to have to wait
Thanks for doing all three. We will work on awarding qualifications first to these three. We need a few more responses to openness to experience one we posted yesterday - so you can try that unless you already did that the first time. If you qualify, there will be 1000s of similar data that would require tagging in all four categories over the next couple of weeks.
@Akin I've done a few of the openness to experience this morning. I feel like I'm saying neutral a lot. Does that seem right?
Thanks for expressing the interest. We may, but not over the next couple of days or even this week. Will try to post here if and when we do.
Dear All, In case you missed taking our qualification test, we just posted one. Will post three more shortly. Happy Turking, Akin Team
I just saw this thread. I was only able to complete a few of these in different categories before they were all gone and I didn't see them reposted. Will you be reposting the Qual today? I know its been a few days.
We posted the qualification test for all 4 traits on the 12th and it was opened to a much larger set. Not sure why people didn't find those as we didn't get enough responses. Will re-post in an hour or so.
Qualification tests posted. Some of you were also awarded qualifications. You can tag the content for the tests you qualified for - the content HITs are already uploaded.
As for the conscientiousness test with 1000, we missed adding a note similar to openness to experience : each Turker to respond to not more than 10 hits. Co-operation would be great. Thanks!