I've tried searching for an app or something that pushes Chrome's desktop notifications to my phone, but I've only seen things that go the opposite direction. Some people have suggested using Growl, but I haven't found a way to connect it to Chrome on Windows. So, I'm pretty much at another dead end. Does anyone have any suggestions for this?
I tried pushbullet. It only goes the same one way unless I'm not doing it right. I'm trying to set it up so the notifications I get from PC, Turkerhub, OW, and all the other stuff that I use my desktop to monitor will mirror the notification on my phone.
This is why I just use SoundWire when I need that.. TTS's audio is much easier to push through then fucking with push notifications. hit finder has pushbullet support though and I would assume that Hit catcher will at some point as well.
I was trying to find a way for my desktop to do all the heavy lifting in a way where I don't have to be tethered to it. Like if I went somewhere, PC would still be running and I could get a notification when I get a HIT or someone shares one here; or if I was visiting family somewhere; or if I was off doing a photoshoot or timelapse or something. I could periodically check in and add new PANDAS or pause what I'm doing to complete a HIT I catch. Plus, I'm always listening to my iPod, so there's no way TTS would work for me. Do you think the pushbullet stuff could be manually added into the other scripts?
What you are saying it is certainly possible but will be a lot of work to get working. @Kadauchi prob knows the most about pushbullet out of anyone on the forum though so you are better off asking him.
Yes it could be added to any script, you would more than likely need a paid account since you would probably hit the free limit pretty quickly.
On a scale of 1-10, how hard do you think it would be to implement for someone who has little experience coding or scripting?
Depends on how well you can pick it up, the code to send messages to Pushbullet is like a 3/4 maybe, but PC and other scripts are monsters to read.