I am curious if there is a way to search my long list of qualifications. I think that there are 162 pages of qualifications for my worker ID and I'm just trying to see what my return rate and abandonment rate are. The only way that I can see to find them is to page through one at a time and the pages take forever to load. Is there a better way, and do these numbers really matter to requesters? Thanks!
There's a script to sort them, but last time I used it, it didn't work very well. But I'm not sure if it's been updated since I used it last. There's a lot of exclude quals that just say you already took the survey. There are some that matter, mostly things from qualification hits that give you a score. Alegion is a good example of this. It tends to be easier to look at your score when the hits come up though. https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/38977-worker-mturk-qual-sorter