Hi! What Script do you use for keeping track of expected and paid bonuses? I can use excel and the emailed bonus payment notices if I have to, but scripts while working might be faster. Thanks!
I just use TV bonus tracker. It's not perfect as you have to review the hit for it to show up there, but it works well except for that limitation. https://turkerview.com/account/bonus/ I don't think there's a script that will just handle it for you due to the way bonuses are handled by mturk. Since the only notification is by email, if you wanted to write a script it would need access to your email and would probably only work for the email client it was written for.
Thank you for the helpful information! I wasn't sure if email was the only way to find out about bonuses (except for the Hourly Script, which only shows a bonus paid that day as a total). I will start using both excel and the turkerview tracker. As you noted, it's not perfect (some bonus amounts are unknown until they are paid). Thank you! I appreciate it!
I usually put those in as either a penny or a reasonable estimate so that they appear on the bonus tracker page. The one's I mark as a penny are usually ones where I'm not sure if I'm getting a bonus or not so I just go in and delete the bonus after a month rather than marking the bonus unpaid. I've only got 6 unpaid bonuses out of 310 expected bonuses so it seems most requesters are pretty good about paying up.