Hello. I've published a new Image Classification batch. Here is the published batch: I didn't ask for any qualification for the workers (Screenshot attached). Yet, I don't see the task in the worker sandbox: https://workersandbox.mturk.com/projects I'm searching by my name: "huji nlp lab" and the title "Visual Analogies" Maybe the problem is the "0% published"? I did publish my batch, and pressed "Publish" How can I solve it? Thanks
Yeah that just means it's stuck on publishing. I haven't used the sandbox in quite a while but historically it could delay up to 30 minutes IIRC? FWIW I currently see a HIT you have uploaded in the sandbox, although under a different title ("Choose the image that best solves the analogy") which might also be your problem. The project title and HIT title aren't the same thing, but just searching your name does bring up your projects. You can see any/all published projects with your direct requester profile link, which for the sandbox is: https://workersandbox.mturk.com/requesters/A17OD8ARJGFFMN/projects?ref=w_pl_prvw
Thanks! The problem is that it publishes only 7/65 HITs. It is still not solved. Here are the FULL DETAILED steps I've done to create the batch: https://github.com/yonatanbitton/vasr_mturk_examples/blob/main/mTurk_steps.pdf Am I doing something wrong?
Where are you hosting the images? This has been a bane to a ton of requester projects I've had to deal with: https://blog.mturk.com/how-an-impor...pacts-your-image-annotation-jobs-64a9d7ec98cd https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSMechTurk/latest/AWSMechanicalTurkRequester/MturkCorsConfig.html IME MTurk is often apt to just fail silently (regardless of this being the issue, but the other 'usual suspect' is funding which isn't a problem on sandbox). I wouldn't be surprised if one random image or input grouping was causing the process to fail. I'd try flipping through 10 previews on Step 7 and seeing if it loads properly? Tbh I'm not sure if web will validate any access issues, prompt seems to suggest it but no real clue. There is also a requester forum: https://forums.aws.amazon.com/forum.jspa?forumID=11 There used to be an AWS rep who would hang out in there, seems a bit more abandoned than it used to be unfortunately :/
Thanks for the comment. I am hosting the images in my own github. For example: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/y...examples/annotators_test/41_item_50_empty.png I've iterated 19 examples in Step 7 - I don't see a problem there (Screenshot below). Regarding the requester forum, yes, I saw it, but it seem that I can't publish a new thread. Am I missing the button? I am logged in. Screenshot below. I now added a post in repost.aws, maybe it is the correct forum. Thanks