Hello, I am conducting a study related to a price competition game. This HIT is an academic experiment on decision making. It will require you to interact with other workers in real-time. Some other workers may be waiting until you have completed a given task before they can proceed. So, please be mindful of other participants and complete all tasks in a timely fashion. The game will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. For your time and efforts, participants will earn between $1 and $3 in the study, including $0.99 competition fee and $0.01 participation fee. Your final compensation will vary depending on your aggregated profits. The first demo HIT will be available on July 10, 2019, from 7:00 PM CST. There will be three more experiments next week which require 90 participants. For those who participate in any previous experiments will not participate again. Only people living in the United States can take part in the experiment. Thank you for your participation! We're all set.
I'd like to tell you guys that the total participation fee has increased to $2. You will earn between $2-$4 at the end. I fixed several issues so the game will take 15-20 minutes depending on your partners. Today there will be the first HIT at 7 pm CST. Please join me and finish HIT. HIT name : Communication in Price competition 1,2,3. Thank you!
I have some rooms for the next week. Please join this if you're interested. https://forms.gle/qjmWZWvJRHvfpQcQ7