Thanks! Took me a while to jog my memory on this lingo, but I totally get it--I felt the same way about my ratings as well. Shared with my team here and I'll see what I can do! Again, really want to emphasize this is a new frontier for us coming from totally proprietary systems, so these are kinks we're working out, and really appreciate your feedback in helping us!
Okay! It’s officially my weekend but I wanted to share a couple more things here before I generally log off for the weekend (though this is a lot less like work so I might peek in...we’ll see! I really liked mturkgrind’s community so if this is anything like that I can’t see why not) after going back through the feedback here. The interface feedback is great. I have yet to see the HIT myself (we’re basically waiting on Amazon to put it back online if it’s not back already), but when I do get a chance to peek I will definitely share this as well as the pay rate. I of course can’t guarantee I can change either, but I 100% understand what you mean because I remember those things being really critical for me as well. I should also check to see if we’ve looked into bonuses or anything like that. Happy to say I’ve shared why this is important and it was 100% a matter of those who haven’t worked as a Turker just not knowing those things matter! Once I explained, we decided to just approve any of the things we may have been waiting on but weren’t sure we’d actually accept in production, so we’re learning already thanks to you guys! Separately, this is fun—I love my job at Expensify but y’all are making me wish there were more hours in the day so I could start Turking again
Good to hear things are in the works. It definitely helps as a requester to have prior experience as a worker. It's really the only way to learn what's critical, what's important, and what really doesn't matter. That first hand knowledge is irreplaceable. As a side note for the weekend, if you check in you will probably learn more about cats and tea than you ever wanted to know.
We definitely appreciate the open dialoge! I understand the name of the game is trying to get as much as you can for as little as possible, but we definitely appreciate people who are willing to chat and figure out how to make things better for the worker so we can make things better for you It really is a two way street.
Okay, and it looks like we've also now upgraded to using qualifications instead of rejections, but of course keep me posted with any feedback/difficulties!
I take my ranking very seriously, and will only do hits with clear directions or that seem pretty self explanatory. I did one of the amount and currency hits to try them out. It seemed pretty simple, but I got a rejection today, stating that "some answers were incorrect". The hit was in USD, I just don't see how I could have messed it up. I've emailed to see what I can find out, but don't plan on doing any more of their hits until I hear something.
It looks like we're trying to create a qualification that's only available to us so that we can test internally, but I'm not 100% sure on what's happening with the test batch that's going out right now, where the rejections are coming from. I promise I'm emphasizing that rejections are critical (and you can see we've pivoted to qualifications instead), but thank you for the feedback nonetheless--I will keep working on it! EDIT: Just got word we plan to include really clear instructions in the next public batch
On a separate note, you can now at least view the HITs in the interface--out of curiosity, is a paginated view preferred, or do you prefer viewing all receipts in one page?
Are there any updated on what's going to happen with the hits that were rejected? Will those rejections be reversed?
Hey there! Sorry for the delay on this; I was on vacation for a couple weeks I'll check in on this now!
Okay, if you had a rejection before (assuming this is kosher)--can you PM me your worker ID so I can share with our team?
A quick update for those wondering: we're working out some kinks in our system (enhancing the UI, working through various things with Amazon) and plan to open up the qualification we have restricting things more broadly soon. We're also working with our contact(s) at Amazon to request a reversal of rejections for anyone who DMed me here (or via Amazon, I believe). Thanks for your patience! More importantly, thank you all for your feedback! I can tell you as the messenger/in between person, every single piece of feedback you've given has been relayed and fully heard internally. We really appreciate it, and look forward to making the HITs public as soon as we can!
Hey all! One final update from me: I mentioned before that this isn't really a core part of my job here at Expensify, but wanted to help engage the community because I know how critical it is. Unfortunately, and especially as we open these up to more and more people, my core job functions are taking precedence over being able to attend to this as much as it deserves attention So, moving forward, if you have any questions about the HITs feel free to email the requester on Amazon (it'll go straight to Expensify) and they'll be happy to help! They also know about this forum and thread as well, and will definitely chime in here when they can. Thanks again for being an awesome community--I'm happy I could dip my toes back in!