Are five hits going out at the same time? Caught a couple of hits within the pass hour but i'm not seeing more than one making it to the worker site.
I think the problem is that the hit expires on MTurk at the same time the timer expires so people catch them and they expire in their queue and are not returned to other people who are PANDAing the hit. So that might be the issue
Interesting. I think we are going to increase expiry to 10 minutes but decrease the time limit to 4 minutes. We'll see if this helps.
I would love to see some sample photos with the bounding box around the smoke. You offer work I feel great about doing and I really want to do my best but I look at that "first smoke of the year" and I feel like what I thought was smoke wasn't. I don't even see smoke! I realize you said that's okay to submit a false positive but I'd rather be more help than just send something wrong you have to weed through to get to the real smoke.