[Please Help!] Grabbing HIT's

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by momtartin, Aug 14, 2018.

  1. momtartin

    momtartin New Turker

    I've been turking for a month now and have a pretty good handle I thought on the MTurk Suite and scripts (I use HIT Finder and HIT Catcher), however I see people talking a lot about HIT Notifier. I tried it out, but it wouldn't really ever update it seems. I also see people grabbing these $1-$5 HIT's pretty quickly so I'm wondering a few things:
    1) Is HIT Notifier (working with Panda Crazy) auto update, or is there a script I need to install?
    2) For HIT FInder, what speed do people suggest using for bringing in new HIT's? I would have thought that something like 2000 MS would be best, but now I'm seeing people saying 4-5k. Is it really just a matter of being able to right click faster than other people?
    3) For HIT Finder, I wanna make sure there's not another easier way of adding stuff to my queue, but right now I right click on a HIT and add it to my catcher. Is that the best way?
    4) I tried using Panda Crazy, but when I try to "Panda" something, it doesn't add to panda crazy for some reason. Yet it's showing stuff that's in my queue. Any clue?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated
  2. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    :wave: welcome to Turkerhub! :D
    Just curious, but where? HN is pretty much the least efficient way of finding good HITs and should largely just be ignored/discarded as useless in your workflow sooner than later. It has its niche uses, but they're few & far between.
    Finder or forker (either one you run) should be set to 1000ms (1s) refresh delay. You can even possibly push it faster than that, but 1s is fine for the time being. 4-5s is completely and utterly useless.
    If you're using HIT Catcher, no HIT Finder pairs best w/ it inside MTS.

    If you use Forker, you'll need Panda Crazy
    Not 100% sure, someone else might know off-hand what the problem is, but if not screenshots of the steps you're taking would probably help. Possibly have the wrong group tab clicked?
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  3. CorvusSapiens

    CorvusSapiens Survey Slinger

    Just a guess. Are you clicking "Panda" on the forum exports? That just tries to accept the hit once, it doesn't connect to Panda Crazy.

    Once you have Panda Crazy installed, open it using this url: https://worker.mturk.com/requesters/PandaCrazy/projects

    You should also install the Panda Crazy Helper script: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/20380-jr-mturk-panda-crazy-helper

    Once you have the helper script installed you should see buttons show up on exports and reviews in this forum if you hang out in the Daily Thread

    Those buttons will add jobs to Panda Crazy as long as you have the script open in another window.

    If you're using Panda Crazy, I recommend using Hit Forker to scrape for hits: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/36368-hit-forker
    Open it with this url: https://worker.mturk.com/?hit_forker
    When that's running, you'll see two buttons on the right hand side of the screen for each hit, "P" and "O". Those buttons will start jobs in Panda Crazy directly from Hit Forker. P to catch as many as you cand and O to only catch one hit for that group.
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  4. Emmvalenzuela

    Emmvalenzuela New Turker

    Hi, I didn't catch more hits What is MTS catcher speed limit? or Panda cycler1,2,3, speed limit?
    Please reply me
  5. Ornac

    Ornac Survey Slinger TurkerView Masters

    Like CT said set it to 1000ms. You can tinker with it from there, but that should be fine as a default setting. When you go lower than that you'll end up with PRE's. This is fine, but if you are catching too many of them your wasting your attempts. If you set it much higher than that you won't get any PRE's which means there's times you could have been trying, but weren't.
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