Help With Goal of 50 Dollars a Day :)

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by Taboosun, Aug 8, 2017.

  1. Taboosun

    Taboosun New Turker

    Hello fellow Turkers!

    I've been turking for about 9 days now. Tommorow will mark the end of my probationary period.

    My method of turking thus far has been to get my numbers up, but also make money doing it. I understand that some of you would rather suggest I do safe batch hits, but the way i see it, I'd much rather get to 1000 approval rating by doing hits that pay at least decent arund 10 cents a hit and up. Don't get me wrong, i've done a couple of 1 cnters that i knew would not take a long time to complete but on average I aim for hits that are time efficent and compensate at least 20 cents or higher.

    I'm here today to ask for a bit of advice or insight into my turking goals. My initial goal for turking is to get to a point where i could make 50 dolllars a day. It would be nice If I could accomplish this in 4 hours or less. I guess time will only tell.

    The scripts i have installed are as follows:

    Turkmaster (Which for some reson is not working at the moment/I will have to trouble shoot it)
    Hitscraper with EXPORT
    MTurk HIT Database MK.II
    MTurk Header Expanded Info - update
    Pending Earnings
    MTurk I/D Copy and paste

    Now today was the first day of me using Hitscraper. I found it to be slightly more effective than turkmaster, but when i get Turkmaster back on i think i will try them both simultaneously. I've heard the belief that Hitscraper is bestf or batches.

    In my daily turking I'm doing mostly surveys, question style hits (typed responses required, and sometimes simple low paying batches where a simple task is required.

    I find myself scared to accept another hit in a batch if i'm not sure wheather or not i can do another one.
    Is there a way to tell if I can do another hit in a batch without the requester Grinching? lol

    Also, I've found out that its nice to keep my queche filled within reason. As long as I can see that the time alloted is enough to complete the task i will go ahead and accept about 5 in a row maybe more depending on the type of task and time alloted for all. There were a couple of times where i had to return hits.

    Oh and I'm really careful about my approval rating. The first time I got rejected was because i didn't read one of the questions at the end which was an attention check and in a way i'm glad that happened to me, because in every survey now I read every question, and I still can move fast.

    Can someone point me in the direction or the name of the script that allows you to select the radio options faster. I think it's some type of hot key script. Would be much appreciated thank you.

    tweaking and testing on my end to see what works with me as far as turking but I'm willing to learn.

    I've followed the daily threads here and there, but have not as much as i should. Quite frankly, I don't really see the point in it. Most of the hits i find that are posted only have one available or if not, they ar quickly snagged up.

    i am starting to notice a pattern in the surveys that allows me to work faster. The attention checks are also quite obvious and dI can also begin to tell when a survey is going to be hellishly long, lol.

    Overall i'm learning.

    I'm hoping that once i get to 1000 hits that more hits and more money will open up to me, but I will see.
    What was your guys experience after the first 1000 hits?

    I am going to be watching a couple youtube videos on the panda and see how I can incorporate that into my routine. I've also noticed that their seems to be more and better paying hits which i qualify for in the morning like after 8am.

    Maybe part of turking is luck,, but I do believe that there ae some things I'm just going to have to figure out for myself.

    Anyway, I was just really sharing my process and what ive noticed and learned. Maybe there is somebody out there that can help me with some advice or insight that I havent been privy to.

    Feel free to let me know, thanks guys. This really is a great community.

    If you'd like more information about me, I posted my introduction to this forum a couple of days ago:

  2. GreenMachine842

    GreenMachine842 Moderator (⌐■_■)

    That is a lot of text but to start I would say ditch Turkmaster and look at Using MTS from it has a lot of tools that will help you out. Including HF which is like hitscraper which can let you know when you're favorite requesters post. Also has HC that can catch hits much like TurkMaster. Personally I use PandCrazy and the helper scripts but those are my immediate suggestions. I'm sure other members will have more helpful knowledge to share.
    • Today I Learned Today I Learned x 2
  3. Randomacts

    Randomacts Survey Slinger


    I'll just reply to this first.

    Besides MTurk HIT Database MK.II those are all legacy / outdated scripts and from the sound of it you are only using half of mturk's PREs.

    Take a look at the current scripts (Hit finder / Hit Catcher), Panda Crazy, and Overwatch.

    I suggest searching for hits with hit finder and/or Overwatch and pandaing them with Hit Catcher or Panda Crazy.

    Mturk has two sides, www and worker. Each side allows you to query amazon around once a second so use those to their full potential.
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  4. Girl Polar Bear

    Girl Polar Bear Queen of the North

    this should be in the top of your to do list; I mean learning panda.
    • 5/5 Pay 5/5 Pay x 1
  5. Randomacts

    Randomacts Survey Slinger

    • LOL LOL x 1
  6. HarryHood

    HarryHood Survey Slinger

    I'm just going to pick this piece out and point you toward either Panda Crazy or Hit Catcher (in Mturksuite). While there is often only "one available" that doesn't mean there is only 1 study out there for all of turkers to fight over. If you find a survey or something you're interested in and don't grab it off the export, add it to your panda machine of choice. Returns, expirations, etc happen all the time. Pandas are also helpful for certain batches, particularly when they're throttled.

    Stick around here and you will learn a lot. I think that's the one single thing all of us can agree on around here :D

    And besides the HITs, the daily threads are a wealth of knowledge because most questions are asked/answered there rather than the other areas of the site.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Taboosun

    Taboosun New Turker

    Thank you so much guys. The replies are greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for the reply. I'll understand more of what you mean by "add it to your panda machine of choice. Returns, expirations", after I watch some videos and read up on PAnda'ing, lol.

    I guess it's just the learning process, gotta embrace it and see if I can be creative and experiment... all within reason, tho.

    I'd be mortified with a mass rejection, but lets just not go there.

    Yes, i like verbose lol, thank you, ill read over this faster than a paranoid crackhead with super powers, lol, excuse me.
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  8. vsrforhire

    vsrforhire New Turker

    I will add that you are on the right track. I agree with using more up to date scripts like panda crazy. One thing that can immediately help you is to fill you queue. If you are doing surveys pay attention to the time you have. If the survey takes 5 mins but give an hour to complete it, add it. Also dont be afraid to do batches. If you find a good batch, you can panda that batch and keep you queue full and in a seperate tab work the queue.

    Otherwise, keep going and more hits will open up as you make it past 5000.

    Sent from my SM-J700P using Tapatalk
  9. ComaWhite1214

    ComaWhite1214 Turker

    Dual monitors and a good PC are the main things that helped me get to the $60-100 days. I will say if you don't have a good workstation set up, get it done! Also another thing that's helped me is learning not to be so picky. I am picky about pay but not so much the hit. For an example I always returned hits that had inquisit just because I don't like inquisit tasks, but now if it cost efficient I will do it. Another thing that some people disagree with (you may to while your still learning) is 10 cents a minute that is preached about is not an amazing or even frankly good. That is $6 an hour, once you get better strive for $10 or so an hour. Do not believe survey estimations, in my experience they are usually overstated and take way less timr than it says, but others are severely understated. Turkopticon is your best friend, although sometimes its been unreliable it usually gives a good idea on time as well as if a requester is a scammer. I personally accept before even glancing at a TO hits are gone in seconds and I personally rather get a good hit and making money vs. having to return a bad one. Also, find your niche every turker is different some love surveys, some love batches, others love it all. I am personally the latter. One last thing I want to throw in is to communicate with requesters, especially if there's a problem. :) Good luck! It gets better!!
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