[Please Help!] Help with Rejection Reversal

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by RTurker88, Feb 17, 2022.

  1. RTurker88

    RTurker88 New Turker

    I had a new requester reject my work. The fault lies with him so I reached out to him to get a reversal. He claims that he is unable to reverse it because the batch is closed. He said he talked to Mturk and the support team and they told him that it was not possible to reverse since the batch is closed.

    I sent them the link of rejection reversal:


    He said that's what he tried in the first place and it wouldn't work because the batch was closed. He said sorry because he's new to Mturk.

    Any ideas? I'm a worker so I know nothing about fixing problems on the requester's end.
  2. j0sh83

    j0sh83 Survey Slinger

    How long has it been since you got the rejection? It can only be done within 30 days of when you submitted. I am also just a worker, but I don't think much else keeps them from reversing a rejection.
  3. RTurker88

    RTurker88 New Turker

    I took the survey on Feb 14 and it was rejected yesterday. I don't know much about what is within a requester's powers so it could just be him making this up. I sent him another email today about a possible compensation HIT or bonus but he still hasn't got back to me, nor do I think he will.
  4. j0sh83

    j0sh83 Survey Slinger

    That sucks. I don't think there is anything preventing the overturn, but I am just a worker too so can't say for sure. There is that clause, "and only if the assignment's related Human Intelligence Task (HIT) has not been disposed." Perhaps they deleted the task or something to that effect. Couldn't hurt to contact MTurk and provide them everything the requester has told you, plus information about the HIT. Perhaps they can expand on, or further clarify to you why it can't be overturn. That could go 50/50, but might help to have for future reference.
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