
Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by VeeBee75, Dec 30, 2018.

  1. VeeBee75

    VeeBee75 New Turker

    I encounter this Heroku platform pretty frequently and it never works for me. I can't figure out if it's a plugin that I am missing, or if I am using an incompatible browser or what. I did a forum search and can't find a good answer. FWIW I'm running firefox on a Mac.

    Also: am I really missing anything by not being able to do these? If they're just bad hits I won't keep trying to make them work.
  2. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    Heroku itself isn't an app its a platform that hosts apps for other people. So if you're building a chat bot system or something you can upload all the code that makes it function to heroku and heroku will let other people access it.

    So what you're seeing when you get broken links on there is just requesters who uploaded code that either broke or they then removed after finding bugs/etc. Its not really heroku's fault, and there is nothing you can do on your end other than trying to reload it later to see if its been fixed.

    If its the same requester over & over it might be worth it to block them so they quit wasting your time but that's totally up to you. Check out their reviews & see if the work normally pays well or not. Generally I'd never block Pinterest (they don't use heroku afaik, just using them as an example) because I make more than I miss out on with them even when they upload busted batches but its really case specific & a bit of a personal decision.
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  3. VeeBee75

    VeeBee75 New Turker

    Thanks. That makes sense. I wasn't sure what was going on with that but I understand now.
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