Helllo!!! I'm Meghan, if you're on the subreddit, I'm Advanced_Page_1929. I've been turking since the beginning of 2020. Although, I wouldn't really call it that. I just did HITs when I would get bored back then. I really started going hard in September of 2021. I joined this community to allow MTurk to be fun for me. Also, because a reddit friend suggested it to me! Some fun facts about me.... I go to Michigan, ALOT. I have an 11 year old dog, and I love to cook!! I'm also a small business owner, so my MTurk funds go to getting new products. I took over my bestfriends business when she lost her fight to mental illness. All proceeds are donated to Suicide Awareness nonprofits in her name. I guess that kind of means I'm a part time business owner, a part time "donator", and a full time mTurk worker?? lol. I sometimes only work on MTurk for 2 hours a day, but others I could do 8-10. It really just depends on the mood, vibe, and feelings I have going on. If I'm on the computer already, I'm on MTurk, but if I don't feel like doing anything on the computer I typically just try to meet my daily goal of $15. I guess that's enough about me. I don't want to get too personal. Happy Turking Friends!!!
Nice to meet you Megahn! I'm originally from Michigan and get back there a lot but went to that "other school" (MSU) , love dogs and (husband) loves to cook I'm very, very sorry about your friend. Hope to see you around the daily thread!