There are a number of ways. A good first step is to keep an eye on the daily thread. Qual hits almost always get mentioned there. You can set keyword alerts in the forum tools so that you'll get an alert when someone mentions particular words or phrases. The toolbox is on the left hand side of the page if you're not familiar. If you're not actively working on something else you can look through the mturk site. Make sure you have "I'm qualified to work on" unchecked and look through the hits. If there's any that have a test, take it. You can also request qualifications that don't have a test, but this doesn't usually go anywhere. Any Qualtrics surveys you do will have 3 questions at the bottom of the survey page that are optional. Filling these out will open up surveys. There's also the Amazon quals. Not sure how to link them, but here's a screenshot so you can search them up. Make sure you have min pay set to 0. Hope that helps.
Thanks! I went to the Turkerhub Tools that you mentioned, setup the words qual, qualification and desktop notifications for all posts.
Glad I could help. For the most part getting quals is a slow process. There are a number of requesters that only do a qual once or twice a year and lots that you'll get and hits will run for a day, a week, or a month and you never see them again. So just, always be quallin and you'll end up with some desirable ones given time.