How to see your submitted hit input now on MTS?

Discussion in 'mTurk Scripts & Resources' started by Everett, Jul 21, 2021.

  1. Everett

    Everett Turker


    Before the update to MTSv3, I could hover over the orange SRC button in the Hit Tracker and a little pop up would display with whatever input I'd submitted on the hit. Now since that update, no little pop up displays when hovering over the SRC button for a hit and there doesn't seem to be a way that I can find to see this information anymore. This info is really useful so I'm wondering if there's some way of seeing it now that I'm missing or will it be added back in the future? Thanks.
  2. Everett

    Everett Turker

    Does no one else care about this, not even the creator, to the point it was removed even though it was useful and my previous questions on it many months ago were ignored? I'm so confused.

    It was so helpful before. For instance, I just got some rejections on some batch work I did over a week ago yet I strongly suspect the rejections are unwarranted and that I'd submitted good correct work. I have no idea what I input to know for sure though. However, if the information that used to come up when hovering over a hit's SRC button were still there (i.e. the input I'd entered on the original hit), I could've simply and easily double checked that I had indeed entered correct work and then had that info on hand to contact the requester with specific proof. Now the best I can do is contact the requester with "hey I think the work I entered may have been correct on those rejected hits so can you double check pretty please?".

  3. Kadauchi

    Kadauchi Administrator Former MTG MotM

    Sorry, I completely spaced on this. The data is being saved it's just not viewable in the UI. This will get added back.

    It's unlikely that it will be ready soon enough for it to be helpful for the rejections you just got but I'll walk you through the steps to see the answers.

    1. Open HIT Tracker
    2. Search for and find a rejected HIT.
    3. Click contact requester for the rejected HIT.
    4. In the new tab that opened up, the subject will be "Regarding Amazon Mechanical Turk HIT 304OVD89DZ21GCG58YBDUUF5AJ0AC2". You will want to copy the hit id which is "304OVD89DZ21GCG58YBDUUF5AJ0AC2" (your string will be different)
    5. Go back to HIT Tracker.
    6. Open the console by pressing F12.
    7. In the panel that opens, go to the Application tab (up top).
    8. On the application tab, expand IndexedDB which is under Storage on the left.
    9. Go to IndexedDB > mturk > hits (and click hits)
    10. Paste the hit id which you copied earlier into the field that says "Start from key" thats at the top.
    11. The first row of data (#0) is the hit that was rejected, expand the value and the answer will be in there.

    I know this is a lot so if you need help let me know.
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  4. Everett

    Everett Turker

    Thank you @Kadauchi that helps so much! It took me a little while to find what you were talking about but I was able to. I thought the information must be saved somewhere there since it was used to show on the page before. I don't know much about that kind of stuff but I know the very basics of inspecting an element so I'd already taken a look at the main thing that opens up when you first open inspect that has the stuff for the page and had read like every line of the page's stuff looking for this. I would have never made my way over to find where this info was stored so thanks so much. It's so nice to be able to find that info again after a long while without it.

    Since I have you here, one question on the info I'm looking at - how do you translate the "time spent" numbers into seconds? Is it up to a third decimal place, so that for instance 51392 would translate to 51.392 seconds? I have indeed verified I put in the correct answers on these hits and was wondering if maybe some were done "too fast" in their eyes and rejected for that (the only other options I can think of are that they have multiple workers do the same hit and reject any odd man out answers even if its the right one, or that they're partially scamming by rejecting a portion of good hits to recoup some money spent). If I can tell what those time spent numbers mean I can judge before I message them whether those were some of the faster hits I did for them or not. Thanks for the help!
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  5. Kadauchi

    Kadauchi Administrator Former MTG MotM

    It's stored as milliseconds, so you're correct on your assumption (51392 = 51.39 seconds).

    This for sure wouldn't be unheard of, people refer to them as "majority rules" batches as some avoid those just because you could be rejected even if you're right if the others agree on being wrong.
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