Hummingbird Network - Distributed Decision Wildfire Detection

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by Robert, Nov 23, 2017.

  1. Robert

    Robert Hummingbird Watch

    Hi all,

    Apologies for my absence, but boy, what a summer! We're only starting to decompress. It was the busiest wildfire season in BC's history! Crazy.

    And in some way, a lot of you played a role in all of it. Also, crazy. What's really cool is that because of all of your help, we proved a new kind of detection system. We're going to have more cameras next year. Things are growing. Our name is changing. A real company is emerging. We can keep doing this.

    There's been so much going on, I'm not sure where to start or what to communicate. So, in the absence of substantive information, I thought I would share our new logo. And answer any questions or comments you may have.

    At some point I am going to have to make a new account but I'm not quite ready for that.

    Also, I heard that the design team working with us reached out to a few of you. I would really love to hear what they asked / feedback you provided.

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  2. Robert

    Robert Hummingbird Watch

    Also, @ChrisTurk , what about that wiki we talked about?
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  3. Cosmo

    Cosmo Survey Slinger

    We've missed you! Welcome back!
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  4. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    Hey Robert! Glad to hear things have gone well, we've had a lot of folks asking about where y'all went haha

    If you can shoot me some materials you'd like to exist on a worker-facing page I'm happy to get it set up and going. We now also have our own built-in Requester review system for ourselves:

    So whenever y'all get settled into a new account a lot of the data you post to the platform will automatically get exported out into that. You can even "claim" your profile and respond directly to workers there (unlike TO where you're kinda just stuck reading what folks have to say about you which, well, we found to be a bit too uncooperative). May be a good way to glean some insight into stuff from the worker perspective! Its still very new and ever evolving but we're putting a lot of focus on positive interaction & collaboration and less on the TO style "worker complaints only" system haha. Everything is integrated with TurkerHub & mTurk itself so fleshed out profiles tend to develop quickly - it'll be good to import much of the positive karma/reputation y'all have built into your new account quickly :).

    I'm super excited for you guys! As always whatever I can do for ya just let me know, if the old forum posts are still mostly reflective of the new business I can work off that but if not just fire off any new data you can for me when y'all are ready for relaunch :)
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  5. GreenMachine842

    GreenMachine842 Moderator (⌐■_■)

    :ba: I love all of this. I'm big into the outdoors so working to save and take care of forests and public lands has a lot of meaning to me! Welcome back @Robert!
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