What kind of laptop do you recommend? Mine doesn't seem to handle all the scripts/refreshes well so I need to look at faster ones for turking. For reference I have a Latitude E4310. It has lots of storage and I think 4gigs of ram but it still seems to get overwhelmed and overheated quickly.
I have the Acer R11 , its a chromebook . Does everything i need except Inquisit ofc which i never do even on my windows laptop https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0161DGXIC/?tag=thtv02-20
i5+ (3.0Ghz+), 8-16 GB RAM, 256+SSD, brand wise it's all about preference. I've had luck with Asus and Lenovo recently and they have good internal design and are less prone to physically breaking, plus their support is mediocre which is all you can really ask for nowadays.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075FLBJV7/?tag=thtv02-20 think we determined last time that this was the performance you could get for limited dollars, not sure you'll get 16gb ram without paying more than this. But you won't be limited by all of the other < 500$ crap that I quite frankly don't know how people get away with. also, you could buy an old business desktop used for 200$ and get similar performance to this
This. Get at least an i5, Probably minimum of 8GB of ram and some sort of ssd and you're pretty much golden. I have a Lenovo Yoga 13" that I use for turking and it works great.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079D3DBNM/?tag=thtv02-20 if you wanted to build something new, look no further than the best budget CPU released, possibly ever.
That's my laptop! I got in on sale last year and I added some RAM to that sucker Fwiw, I haven't had a problem with it and I've put it thru its paces.
The one I have? I have had an overheating issue. Yes I will see about adding more ram as it slows down when I have my 5 tabs open. It's new for the past month but just can't seem to keep up. Ty!
Huh, I got that one last year and even with just the 8gb, I was running my ultrawide+ my other external monitor + my work stuff + turk at the same time without any overheating. I didn't even add the extra 8 for so long because I plain forgot to put it in! I thought I had it in for like 6 months! I run that sucker ragged with some of my work stuff and always streaming too. I have like 8 tabs open with youtube going on top of excel, my scrapers, and an editing program.
For what it is worth the new ryzen laptops are pretty good.... But yeah from intel's shit the i5 line is the lowest you would want to go.* *Due to intel fuckery some of the i7s are slower than i5s because reasons.
Ah! Ok! That makes more sense. 8 seems to work super peachy! It definitely was able to handle my work stuff + turk at the same time without issue
RAM is kinda expensive right now, might wana hold off for a bit. which brand is it? some are notorious for bloatware which can hurt your performance also run https://www.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner/ to see if you have some adware running in the background, just know that you'll have to performa restart after the scan.
I don't know if that specific laptop is good (the amazon reviews at a glance don't look good at least lol) but it is at least worth considering. Rather it could have really bad Q/A issues that aren't because of the ryzen chips but just shitty laptop things lol
I have Malware bytes, had them since the company first started <3. I have almost nothing on it. It's Dell laittude E4310. I'll check for deals. I don't buy anything unless it's 80% off lol Ty, I don't think I've run it since getting this a few weeks ago though.
lol nvm the only review there looks pretty useless. but yeah the ryzen laptops could be a better bang for the buck at a lot of price points if people bother to check them out.
tbf, I doubt a basic turker is going to see a difference between a ryzen/intel laptop as long as they are > 500$. but support ryzen because it's cool they exist. Spoiler 5ghz 8 core 16 thread 339$ 2020 pls 5ghz 6 core 12 thread 200$ 2020 pls
I built a computer in 2011. I have since added more ram (up to 24GB back when it was cheap) and upgraded to a rx480 (also back when it was super cheap) and lots of HDDs (26TB total) plus a SSD. I'll pob build a new computer when shit calms down in the computer market GPU/RAM wise a bit more. I do have a thinkpad x240 but I wouldn't trust pretty much any thinkpad built after that one as they started doing sketchy spyware shit after the x240. edit: My desktop has a i5 2500k @4.8ghz