Any computer geeks out there that can help me add "View Frame Source" and "Reload Frame" to my context menu?
Can you take a screenshot of your menu when you right click inside an iFrame? Never heard of this being a thing before
I did some testing on some other pages yesterday. I guess the HIT I want to do didn't use an iFrame, because I was able to right click other HITs and see the "View Frame Source" option.
Some HITs don't use an iframe but they are in the minority. They just use simple HTML and CSS so you'll notice the HITs without an iframe are a lot more "plain" looking than the ones with an iframe. edit: Also I think that just HITs without an iFrame don't have their submit button grayed out at the top and bottom after you accept it
The whole point in asking this question is so that I can find the @match/@include for the hit so I can make a script. I've coding experience, just not with scripts. I was wanting to start dabbling and see if I could make anything useful So if the HIT is not an iFrame, does that mean the source link I'm looking for is just buried in the HIT page's "View Source" result?
To save a HIT that doesn't have an iframe you need to save the actual webpage HTML to your computer (Right click--> Save as). This doesn't work with HITs that have iframes because when you load up the save, everything on the page will load except the iframe, which is hosted elsewhere and thus you need the iframe's source save to look at and the script needs the domain the iframe comes from to run on. A HIT without an iframe requires a script that just runs on mturk's site itself, as everything about the HIT is on mturk and there is no outside content loading into the HIT. In this case, your @include would be*