I just noticed this today. When I change the "Pays at least $" to anything other than zero and check "All Hits" nothing shows up. When I set it back to zero, it works again. This is also affecting my hitfinder (mturksuite), but even disabled this is happening. Can anyone confirm?
Assuming you mean this is happening to you while browsing HITs on https://worker.mturk.com/? Have you tried using another browser, turning off extensions, or try opening Mturk in Incognito mode to rule out any outside influences? I didn't turn off anything I normally run, and tried to replicate what I think is happening to you by changing my filter at https://worker.mturk.com/, but everything is working fine for me.
I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. I can't believe I did this. I was changing minimum reward in hit finder instead of minimum turkview pay rate, lol.